Chapter 32 - Great, you're defending him now

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The last couple of weeks have been both the happiest and the craziest of my life.

Crazy because I went from being no one to being Noah Allen's girlfriend and happy because I went from being no one to being Noah Allen's girlfriend.

It's confusing, right? How can the very same situation make me feel two completely different things?

I'll explain. Don't ask me how, but short after we left the party on Friday, everyone already knew Noah and I are dating. My guess is that someone heard us and spread the news.

Everyone's phone was going crazy at the diner with messages about basically two topics: First was Noah's best friend, aka Mads, scene with her boyfriend and second was Noah being in a relationship.

I swear sometimes I underestimate how popular this guy really is. Right at that moment, it was like the world revolved around him and I didn't know whether I should feel awesome for dating him or annoyed.

I also get why they were talking about Mads and Mark. Besides the fact that she's as popular as Noah, it's not even about her. It's more the fact that it's not every day you hear Noah saying such romantic things, even if it's on someone else's behalf.

I'm sure it was enough to fill girls' fantasies of having him falling for them though.

I could tell by the dreamy way they were looking at him.

Probably the only two unaffected people in the room when he was reading the letter were Mads and Olivia. Mads was too focused on Mark and Olivia was too terrified of Mads.

I honestly don't know what's wrong with Mads. If my boyfriend gave me a commitment ring, the last thing I'd want is to be at a diner with my friends, but this is Mads we're talking about and her brain cells seem to function in a whole different way.

About topic of the moment number two, I don't know what the big deal is. Ok, Noah is dating, so what? Just because he never dated before and always made it clear to everyone he never would, it doesn't mean that it's something out of this world, right?


Yeah, it's freaking big news.

Oh, there's one more thing to add to it. Diana came to talk to me at the coffee one day, more like she came to scream at me like the crazy person she is and ended up threatening me for stealing her boyfriend.

Can you believe her? The girl doesn't get the hint that they will never happen.

I confess I was a bit afraid of her, so much I had to hold my spoon tight as if it I could use it as a weapon against her in case it got physical.

Well, let's just say I've been avoiding her ever since.

Noah has been perfect and asked me a lot of times how I was doing with this whole spotlight thing. Of course this is just normal to him, he's used to that kind of attention and the way he's dealing with it tells me it's always been like this, even before college.

I just realised we've never talked much about his life before or outside college. I know he's involved with his father's company and I've seen him take some phone calls to discuss business, but other than that, I know nothing.

What I like the most is the fact that he doesn't care to be seen with me. He doesn't show off and is not trying to tell the world we're together, but he's also not avoiding it, it's just natural.

Yesterday at the quad for example, I was talking to Mads and Olivia and he came to talk to us. Actually, he didn't talk, he just hugged me and kissed my cheek, while I snuggled into his embrace.

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