Chapter 50 - I'm just doing my job here

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''Oh my God, I missed you so much!''

Mads jumped on me the moment we saw each other. She gave me one of her bear hugs that usually make me stumble back and laugh out loud.

''Mads, you only saw me a few days ago.''

''I know, but it seems forever now. How's your leg?'' She looks down to check it.

''It's doing good. Still painful sometimes, but I'm managing it.''

''Madeleine, will you stop harassing my girlfriend?'' I heard Noah's soft voice from behind me as he approached us and gave me a quick kiss on my cheek.

''Will you stop being an idiot to your best friend?'' She showed her tongue to him, just to get a roll of his eyes in return.

I looked at both of them and I couldn't help but smile like an idiot.

Well, I guess I should update you on everything that happened the past couple of weeks.

Christmas and New year with Noah were amazing. We stayed at his penthouse in Boston until last week, but we had to come back home to get everything ready for classes, that started this week.

It's not my fault that I'm a freak who didn't want to leave it to the last minute.

The other reason we came back early was so I could get my plaster removed and my injuries checked.

The good news is that I'm getting better.

I still feel a lot of pain sometimes, just to remind me of that terrible day. Not that I would forget, considering I now have a small scar on my forehead.

You can barely see it, but I know it's there and if you look close enough, you'll see the thin white line.

My dad has been trying to get me to go home, but we had an argument right after I left the hospital, so I wasn't in the mood for spending time with him and be lectured on God knows what.

I mean, why would I want to do that? Noah was so awesome that I never wanted to leave. He meant it when he said he'd take care of me and I don't think I've ever felt this loved before.

It's always great with him, but this time felt like it was only us in the world.

Even when Mads and the guys went down there to spend a couple of days with us, Noah treated the whole thing as if I was all that mattered to him. He made sure I felt comfortable as if the house was also mine and I can't deny that it felt good.

It's not like it crossed my mind that this could be us in a few years, living together.

I forced myself to stop thinking about it though. I don't even know if he really would want to live with me, because let's be honest, we've been dating for just a short period of time, so it's crazy just to think about it.

Moving on to what happened next, you don't need all the details of what happened in that house - wink.

I'll also skip the part that I practically gave him a heart attack when I almost fell off the stairs. The last thing I needed was the other leg to be broken.

After that incident, Noah didn't let me do a single thing. He cooked, he cleaned, he did everything and who doesn't like to be spoiled like this, right?

I was having such a great time that I didn't even bother to check my phone. Honestly, I didn't even realize I turned it off until after Christmas, so there were lots of missed calls and text messages from everyone when I turned it on.

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