Chapter 24 - I was thinking about visiting you

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When I stepped into my dorm, I was expecting Mads to scream at me, then give me a tight hug, just because she was worried sick with me being gone all night and most of the day.

I was right, that's exactly what she did.

''Where the hell were you? I was going crazy thinking something bad happened.''

''I'm fine Mads, what could have happened anyway?'' I can barely breath with her arms tight around me, but finally she lets me go and looks at me with concern all over her face.

''I don't know. Noah could have killed you or the other way around and maybe you got arrested for killing him. It's not impossible, you know?''

She puts her hands in the air, being the drama queen that she is and I laugh.

''We didn't kill each other Mads, we're fine.'' More than fine I want to say, but instead I smile to ease her worries.

''He texted me to say you were going to spend the day with him, but I wasn't sure if you would both make it. I'm glad to see I was wrong.'' A smirk is now on her face and I know exactly what she's thinking.

Well, this time she's actually right, but I don't say anything.

''You know you two will end up dating, don't you?''

I almost choke and spill the water I was drinking. So charming of me.

''You're re crazy Madeleine. That will never happen, not in a million years. We're barely even friends.''

I think I can consider him my friend at this point, right? I mean, we did talk about trying this... friendship thing.

''He likes you.'' She crosses her arm with that creepy smirk of hers.

''You know what? I think I'll change my major to psychology just to help you with your problems. You're clearly out of your mind.''

''Yeah? Then tell me something. Where did you spend the night?''


Where is she going with this? She doesn't think that we... oh my God, she thinks I had sex with him.

''You think we slept together?'' I look at her horrified, but she just laughs.

Why the hell is she laughing? This girl really is crazy.

''What I mean is that you did sleep in his house. That's my point.''

What is she talking about?

''Ok, I'm beyond confused now.''

''Emma, he never takes any girl to his house. Never. I think you're the first girl, besides me, that has ever been to his apartment, but I obviously don't count. When he told me that you were going to crash there, I knew it could only mean that he likes you. Trust me, I know him way too well.''

I don't know what to say to her. I really don't. I wasn't expecting this, I thought he took girls to his house all the time, so having me there wasn't a big deal. I guess this explains why he seemed to be so uncomfortable.

I can't exactly ignore this information, the feeling at the pit of my stomach wouldn't let me forget it even if I wanted to, but I also don't want to make a big deal out of it. I'm sure it's nothing, right?

He was just giving shelter to a temporarily homeless girl. He doesn't seem the type of guy who would just leave me on the streets because he doesn't like girls at his place.

''Just promise me one thing?'' I raise my eyebrow to her, waiting for her to say something stupid, because by the look on her face, I'm sure that nothing good is coming out of her mouth.

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