Chapter 7 - Never have I ever

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We all know that if you drink too much, you'll have a hang over, headaches and all that comes with it.

However, making bad decisions seems to be my middle name, so knowing this fact didn't stop me from getting wasted last night.

Now I feel like my head's about to explode. Awesome.

Mads texted me in the middle of the night to say she was going to crash at Mark's dorm, but we made plans to go to the mall and have lunch together today.

Mark's sister's baby shower is in two weeks and she still needs to buy a few things for her outfit.

I swear I don't get her need to plan this one month in advance. I mean, she already got a dress, what else is there to buy?

''So, I didn't see you leave the party yesterday. How did you get home?'' She asks as we are looking at one of the stores a few hours later.

Should I tell her?

Why wouldn't you? Stop overthinking, it wasn't a big deal.

You're right.

''Noah gave me a ride.'' I say in a low voice, hoping she would suddenly suffer from temporary deafening or something.

''What? Noah? When did this happen?'' She stops and looks at me a bit shocked.

For some reason, I feel embarrassed. I guess this is a big deal to her.

''I was drunk and he offered to take me home as everyone else was passed out somewhere. It's not a big deal.''

''Emma, this is amazing. I told you'd be friends.''

The always optimistic Madeleine strikes again.

''I wouldn't go that far Mads. We're not friends, he was just helping me out.'' I look down and can't stop the smile that somehow is forming on my lips.

''I want details. Tell me exactly what happened.''

Why did I agree to come shopping with her in the first place? Oh yeah, because she's my friend.

Even though I know I shouldn't, I end up telling her everything, from the drunk guy in the kitchen, how Noah defended me, our conversation in the car and I end up telling that Noah walked me to our dorm.

I make sure I leave out the boyfriend/girlfriend questions and especially how I felt with all of it.

She would have a field day.

''Oh my God, you like him.'' What?

Where did she get that from what I just said?

''Madeleine, did you hit your head last night? I don't like him. He helped me and that's it. I'm sure we'll be back to ignoring each other on Monday. How could I ever like him? He's always rude to me. He helped me one day, that's just it."

Truth be told, I can't stop thinking about that stupid smile of his, but that doesn't mean that I have feelings for him. Far from it.

I don't even know him.

''You so like him!''

''Mads, stop. He was nice for once, yes, but it doesn't mean anything. Seriously, you need to stop reading romantic books. It's damaging your brain.''

''Of course.'' She says sarcastically and pulls me by the arm into the fitting room.

I have to thank that skirt for making her forget about the topic, at least for now.

I end up buying a few things for myself and around 3pm we're back on campus. Once we get to our dorm, Mark is lying on her bed, typing away on his phone.

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