Chapter 19 - Date the girl if it's necessary

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My dad continues the conversation and I take a sit on the large chair in front of his dark wooden desk.

His office is almost entirely of a dark color, a mix of black and brown tones everywhere. I look at the big table with papers and folders perfectly organized.

I guess I know where I get my planning and controlling abilities from.

I look around the place I always wished to be mine one day, but for some reason I feel drained already.

Something changed, even if I don't know what exactly.

''I don't care about it, just do as I say. I won't spend another thousand dollars on this. You fix it, that's what you are paid for.'' Just like that, he hangs up and throws the device on the table, not bothering at all if it will break.

He'll just buy another one if it does.

I look at him with an eyebrow raised.

''Son, what a surprise. Your mother and I weren't expecting you to come home.'' He adjusts his perfect suit, while I just sit there.

''I wasn't planning on coming, but we have a few things to discuss.'' I cut the bullshit and go straight to the point.

''Is this about White's daughter?'' The way he says it makes me really uncomfortable and I control myself not to glare at him.

''Yes, it's about Emma.''

''Good, how are things going? Did you get any information yet?''

I'm starting to regret my decision to come, clearly getting annoyed by this conversation.

''It's not that simple, dad. I don't even think she's actually involved with Alfred's company. They barely speak to each other.''

''And you believe her? Damn, the girl is good. She's fooling you, son. You cannot be seriously believing her. Remember all the things I told you about how she operates? All the situations I shared with you? She gets information for her father by fooling people just like she's fooling you.''

I sigh, starting to feel the signs of a huge migraine coming up.

''I don't think she's like that. I'm not sure I'll manage to get any information. It's not even that easy to get closer to her. We fight all the time!'' I sound frustrated, although I say the last part more to myself than to him.

''Listen, I won't have my son believing that shit. You're smarter than that, Noah. I don't care what you have to do, this is our future, your future. As the CEO of Allen Industries you can't get distracted. You have to be ruthless, so I don't care if you have to lie to her. Date the girl if it's necessary, say you love her, buy her dinner, flowers or whatever, just get the information on her father's weakness for us to make a move and buy his company.''

His tone is harsh and I know he's not talking to me as my father anymore, he's now the CEO.

I consider what he said before I say anything else. I try to remember all the things he shared with me in the past years about Emma and Alfred.

Things I forgot being distracted by her, like when she pretended to be interested in her father's partner just so he would agree to do lower his prices.

It's very hard to imagine Emma doing it. She's too sweet for that, but I guess that's exactly her game.

''Fine.'' I finally tell him.

I don't feel like arguing and deep down I know he's right.

I can't fight against it. This is what we've been wanting for a long time. My dad has been trying to buy Alfred White's company for as long as I can remember, but never succeeded. The man is pretty attached to the company and doesn't want to let go.

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