Chapter 41 - What does it look like I'm doing?

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This trip was kind of weird. Yeah, I know you were expecting me to say it was awesome, and don't get me wrong, it was, but it was also weird.

We had a lot of fun and I found myself bonding with these people like they are my own family.

The weird part started after the second night. Things were different.

Noah was different.

I don't know what happened, we were getting along perfectly fine. We had such a strong connection, that I even hallucinated in my sleep that he told me he loves me.

Asking Noah about it didn't even cross my mind, because there's no way this actually happened. I know it's just crazy and I'm sure my mind tricked me into thinking I heard it.

The fact that he was being too cold and distant the next day gave me the certainty that I'm actually hearing things. He didn't call me baby again, but well, he would have to talk to me to do that, which also didn't happen.

Add to that the fact that he seems to be annoyed with God knows what.

We're on our way to his parents' house now, and the silence is killing me. I'm dying to ask him what is wrong, but I'll give him time.

Whatever it is that happened, I know him enough to know he wants space.

Now that we're approaching his hometown, I'm starting to feel nervous.

He has barely said a word to me the entire drive and I look at him as he parks the car in front of what I assume to be his childhood house.

Holy shit, this house is much bigger than I imagined. I thought it would be huge and I know he's rich, but this is way too much.

''Don't look so surprised Emma, it's just a house.'' I glare at him.

Why is he being rude?

I follow him on the path that leads to the impressive white porch. Now I'm really nervous.

I'm actually regretting my decision to come. Going to the lake house with friends is one thing. Meeting his parents, when he is distant as hell, is another and I'm not sure how to deal with it.

He doesn't ring the bell and walks inside with me on his toe. I'm sort of hiding behind him, feeling too intimidated. He never said much about his parents, so I'm not sure what to expect.

''You're finally here!'' A tall woman comes our way and hugs Noah tightly.

She looks impeccable in her red dress, her hair put up in a perfect bun and she's wearing heels so high that it must be uncomfortable. She's gorgeous and I instantly know that she is Noah's mother. ''You must be Emma. It's a pleasure to meet you, honey.''

Well, at least she's nice, which helps to ease my nerves.

She extends her hand to me and I smile at her. I know now where Noah got his formal manners from.

''Thank you for having me for the holiday, Mrs. Allen.'' I say politely as I shake her hand.

''Oh please, call me Clarice.'' She turns to her son again and I can't avoid noticing how perfect her make up looks.

Next to her I look like a mess and for the first time in my life, I wish I dressed a bit better.

''Your father is in his office. Go say hi and then go clean yourselves. Dinner will be ready shortly.''

She demands in a way that makes me flinch, but Noah just nods. He grabs my hand and pulls me to the stairs, making me feel instantly good to have his hand in mine for what feels like the first time in forever.

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