Chapter 14 - Why the hell is he kissing me back?

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''How are you?''

I startle as I hear Noah's voice right behind me when I'm bending on the counter, the drinks starting to get to my head.

I turn around to face him, his always serious expression present.

He still looks gorgeous though.

I knew he's asking about what happened this afternoon, not need to say it.

''I'm feeling better, thanks for not saying anything in front of Tyler.'' I really mean it.

I was terrified that he would say something to anyone to be honest.

I take a sip of my refiled beer as he continues to stare me intently. He's quieter than usual, his eyes burning holes in me.

''Yeah, sure.'' His tone is a harsh and I don't quite get where this is coming from.

He's narrowing his eyes at me and his arms are now crossed over his chest.

''What's wrong Noah?'' I say softly for once.

''Nothing, what makes you think something is wrong?'' I know he's lying, I just don't know why.

''Because you're being kind of rude.''

''I am rude Emma.'' Wow, what the hell is going on?

I guess we're back to square one.

''Yes, but surprisingly enough, sometimes you're not, so what happened? You helped me today and now you're being all.. I don't know.''

I want to ask him if there's anything to do with Ryan's friend, but I'd just sound crazy. I'm sure it's not about it.

''What did you expect? I helped you, because you were looking miserable, it's not like I'm a heartless person, you know? I wasn't going to leave you there crying and all.''


''Oh, that's really nice of you.'' I'm being obviously sarcastic.

I turn around to leave this jerk here alone and I don't think I want to see any of my new friends right now, they will ask questions, because my face says it all so I just go to the backyard to be alone for a minute.

''Emma, wait.'' I hear him calling my name, when I'm already outside. He gets himself in front of me, blocking my way.

''I'm sorry, ok? I just... I had a bad day. I didn't mean what I said.'' He takes a step closer and I'm not sure what to do. ''I want to help you, about what happened today, so if you want to talk about your dad, I'm here for you."

I'm not sure if I believe he really wanting to help me anymore, I mean, why would I believe him? Why would he even care about the crap that happens between me and my father?

I might have believed it this afternoon, but maybe I was wrong. What happened between us today didn't change anything.

Why am I not surprised?

However, he's still in front of me waiting for me to say something, with those blue eyes that I happen to hate and also don't hate so much.

This boy is killing me. His mood swings give me a headache and as always, I don't know what to do or to expect around him.

"I'm sorry for being rude." He says again.


Okay, seriously?

God, I should have stood my ground and gotten away from this frustrating boy like I promised I would, but no, I just said okay as if he's a normal human being. Which he's not. He's weird.

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