Chapter 3 - Are you talking to me?

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Just when I decide to focus my attention on something else, I see Noah talking to the girl I recognize to be Diana from the library.

He looks normal and by normal, I mean serious and cold stone like he's bored out of his mind, but that's all I've seen from him so far.

I know that I don't really know him, but I don't care. I'm being judgmental anyway.

Diana says something with a smirk that gets him to laugh and she puts her hands on his chest in a seductive way.

I feel a bit angry that she got a laugh out of him - a breathtaking laugh I must add - and I can't even get him to answer a question decently.

I feel annoyed, so I decide to go away and find Mads. I was so absorbed paying attention to them - in a totally not creepy way - that I didn't realize that Mads was gone.

I see her in the distance talking to Mark and I start making my way to them.

However, to get to where my new friends are, I have to pass by the happy couple

Just great.

I keep looking ahead as I walk fast enough, hoping they won't notice me, but of course I'm not that lucky.

''Oh, look who is here. Aren't you going to complain about the noise in here as well?''

I look at Noah as if I'm saying, 'come on dude, you were there complaining too', but he doesn't say anything and just looks at me with a blank expression.

What's up with all the staring?

''What do you want Diana?'' I stop, looking at her.

''She knows my name! What are you? A stalker?'' She says in a high-pitched tone and I raise my eyebrow before turning to look at Noah one more time.

Is he really not going to say anything?

I look at her and blink a couple of times, wondering what to do next.

I finally decide for rolling my eyes and not bothering answering her. First day at college and I'm already making enemies. How pathetic is that?

I've never really liked confrontation, to be honest. I did have to stand up for myself or no one else would, but it's not something I treasure, so the best for me to do is just walk away.

''Baby, why don't we go upstairs?'' I hear she say to him as I'm already on my way to the backyard.

I glance back and see that he doesn't resist, he just goes with her, although his expression is still stoic.

Let me tell you, if I didn't know how this boy was making me feel, I've made up my mind.

I already hate him, that's why his presence is so uncomfortable.

I forgot about him after that and I'm completely tired by the time we decide to go back to the dorms, a few hours later.

''So, how was it? Your first party as a college girl?'' Mads asks as we finally reach our dorm.

''It was really nice Mads. Thanks for inviting me.''

I hope I sound more excited then I actually feel. Not that I'm not excited, but it has been a long day.

''I'm glad you had a good time. Everyone liked you.'' She winks, still with a lot of energy. 

''Yeah, well, everyone except Mr. Grumpy.'' It's too late when I realize what I said.

I was kind of talking to myself, but it's obvious that she heard it and knows who I was referring to.

''I'm sure it's not as bad as it looks.''

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