Chapter 30 - Let's make it five dates

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Olivia has an hand tapping him on the shoulder as if comforting him.

I can't believe it, that bitch.

I can't believe I was defending him this whole time and he's doing this. I was so cheering for Team Mark.

How can he have the guts to pretend he doesn't know why Mads broke up with him when it's so freaking obvious that there's something going on between these two?

He can't be that stupid to not know. Or maybe he's been pretending not to know. I'm bot sure, I'm just confused.

He has been begging for her to get back to him, but he's with Olivia. This is so messed up.

I try to control myself and just observe what they will do, but after just a few minutes, I can't have it anymore. I'm creating a thousand scenarios in my head of ways to make them suffer.

I don't care anymore if Mads doesn't want to talk to him, he'll have to listen to me. And I won't go easy on him.

Great that Olivia is here too, so he can't deny. They won't know what hit them when I'm done.

Already walking in their direction, he finally sees me and acknowledges my furious expression. Yeah, fear for your life.

"Emma, hey, is everything ok? How is Mads?"

"Are you seriously asking me about Mads when you're clearly too much occupied?'' I put my hands on my hips and he takes a step back. I don't think I've been this furious before. No one messes with my best friends.

"What?" He's either genuinely confused or he's an amazing actor. I'm betting on the latter.

"Oh, don't play dumb Mark. You know exactly what I'm talking about. How can you pretend to care about her when you're cheating on her."

He nearly choked and looks completely shocked while Olivia gasped.


"Cheating on her? Are you crazy?"

"So, you're telling me that you're not cheating on Mads with her. You're Olivia, right?" I ask turning to face her for the first time. I see the color draining from her face and she just nods.

She looks at me as if she's completely afraid of the girl acting like crazy in front of her, most known as me.

Good, she better be afraid.

"You gotta be kidding me. You guys think I'm cheating on Mads with Oli? This is ridiculous."

"Well, Oli is the reason why you lost Madeleine, for good." I make sure to emphasize my last words and it's his time to go pale.

Damn, the boy really is a good actor. Give me strength to not rip his head off.

"I should have left Noah kill you when he had the chance. And to think that I was defending you. I was the one who talked him out of buying an axe and cutting you into pieces."

"Listen, I don't know what's the misunderstanding here, but Mark and I are just friends, he would never cheat on her." Olivia steps in, but her voice is a bit shaky. She's definitely afraid.

"And how would you know that? Oh right, because you two are such good friends." I was more sarcastic then I intended, but they deserve it.

"Just so I can get this right, Mads broke up with me because she thinks that Olivia and I have something going on, which we don't, but where would she get that idea from?"

"Because of the text." I say, but then I remember they don't know about Mads seeing the text and I explain everything to them. I feel kind of guilty for telling him instead of letting Mads do it, but I was planning on telling him anyway since she refused to do it, so I shouldn't feel bad.

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