Chapter 9 - I have an objective in mind

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Everyone is silent in the room, so when Madeleine was back in the house and scared the shit out of everybody by slamming the door with force, I just decided the best was to follow without saying a word.

Another thing you don't see me doing everyday.

People are looking at her frightened, because she can bee too scary when she wants to.

Once it's just the two of us, she turns around to face me and puts her hands on her hips. She seems to do that a lot when it comes to me and it's annoying beyond I can explain.

I would also find her intimidating if she weren't so tiny and if I didn't know her like the back of my hand.

"What the hell just happened?" I sigh not knowing what to answer.

She's angry and I don't blame her. Whatever happened in that stupid game affected both of her friends and by the look on Emma's face when she left, I know she's hurt.

I'm not sure why though. Was it because of the questions or because I kissed Hannah? For some reason, I want it to be the latter, as it would just confirm my suspicious that she was actually jealous of me.

Does that mean that she might have feelings for me?

No, of course not. She wouldn't. All I do is be a jerk to her, so she couldn't possible feel anything for me.

Part of me is happy that she got hurt, because she deserves it for everything that she is, but the other part - a huge part - hates seeing her like that, even more knowing that I caused it.

I do my best to put this part away and I guess it kind of explains why I wanted to go after her.

"I don't know. This game is just fucking stupid. I knew it was a bad idea, considering she was playing."

I don't even know what I mean, because the fact that she was playing is exactly why I decided to play in the first place, but this whole thing is non-sense itself, so whatever.

I stay silent for a few moments, before I say something that will put me in an even more complicated situation.

I know I shouldn't care, but Madeleine is my best friend, I consider her like a sister and I would do anything to make her happy, but again, I'll never tell her that.

I end up asking the question that I've been wanting to ask since the moment Emma left.

"Where is she?" I pass my hand through my hair for what feels like the millionth time tonight.

"Oh my God, now you want to know where she is. What's up with you two? You were clearly just trying to provoke her, so why do you care?"

I don't know what to say to her, because I don't know why I care, I just know that I do.

I'm not sure if it's because of the way Madeleine is looking at me or the fact that I have no idea where Emma is or worst, how she is.

I was getting nervous by the minute, so I start pacing from one side to the other, trying to calm myself down.

Did she go to back to campus? She doesn't have a car, so did she fucking walk there? She can't be that stupid. It's too dangerous for her to be walking alone in the middle of the night.

Stop Noah. You're going crazy.

"Yes, I was trying to provoke her. Is that what you want to hear? I was pissed off with her and I wanted her to feel what I was feeling. She's not innocent in this though, she was provoking me too."

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