Chapter 35 - I won't let anything happen

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"Emma, what are you doing here?" He sounds surprised, but there's no anger or annoyance in his voice with the fact that I just showed up at his place without even texting.

"I know you don't want to see me and I know that we broke up, but I need to talk to someone, Mads is probably with Mark and this is the only place I thought about going." I take a deep breath realizing I'm talking too fast.

What the hell am I doing? His silence treatment made pretty clear that he doesn't want anything to do with me anymore and I still came here. I'm so pathetic.

I should have gone to Mads or called Abby. They are my best friends and I know they would've dropped whatever they were doing to help me, but I guess the thing is that I don't want to just talk to someone, I want to talk to him.

Two weeks of dating and I'm already clingy as hell. No wonder why he's done with me. I'd be too.

It's Saturday night and he might have better things to do. Of course he has better things to do. I guess that deep down I wasn't expecting him to be home and be at some party with some girl like he used to.

This thought actually makes my heart ache.

He's looking at me as if studying my face. Damn, he looks so gorgeous. He's wearing a plain white t-shirt and those damn sweatpants that look so hot on him. Not to mention that his sleepy face is too cute.

It's very hard to function properly when you have someone that attractive staring right into your eyes. I'm aware that I say a lot of nonsense things when I'm around him and he probably thinks I'm just some dumb girl.

"Sorry for showing up like this, you're probably busy, so I'll just go." I turn around to leave, but he grabs my arm, stopping me.

"Wait a second. You're not leaving." He slides his hand down my arm not losing touch and grabs my hand in his. He then pulls me inside his apartment and closes the door behind us.

I look at our hands together as he leads the way and I feel a bit confused. If he doesn't want anything to do with me anymore, then why is he holding my hand like that?

I stop in the middle of his apartment when he let go of my hand and continues to the kitchen. I feel out of place and I'm not sure if I should follow him or wait here.

This was a bad idea, I should just go.

"Just so you know, we didn't break up." He says as if reading my mind and a big weight is lifted from my shoulders.

"I thought that... well, you disappeared after our sort of fight, so I assumed we did."

''I told you, I don't know how to do this. Normally when a girl annoys me, I just ignore her and that's it."

Even though I'm not a dating expert myself, I'm pretty sure that's not how it's supposed to go. You don't just ignore someone you care about, you talk and fix things.

"So you were going to ignore me forever?"

"No, that's the point, I don't want to do that with you, or with us. I was angry, but I was giving you space to go meet your father. I was going to call you tomorrow morning." I nod and take the glass of water he offered me.

He leads us to the couch where I sit and pull my legs up and hug them, but not before taking my shoes off. The guy is a clean freak. I don't want to be responsible for ruining his perfect expensive furniture.

"I don't want to break up with you, in case it wasn't clear enough." He comes closer, sitting right next to me and pulling me in for a quick kiss.

Remember the hard to breath part? Yeah, it's happening again right now. Just one day without him and I missed him like hell.

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