Chapter 21 - To my house

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The strong hand is still pulling me away, in a faster pace than my legs can follow.

It's over for me. Please tell my friends that I love them and I also want to apologize to Mrs. Sharp for setting the lab on fire on 9th grade. I swear it was an accident.

That's it. Goodbye.

Oh, wait. I look up to see that the person who's leading me out of the place is actually Noah and I feel a mix of relief because I'll probably get to live tonight and annoyance for being him.

I stop on my tracks, pushing my hand away from his grip.

"What the hell are you doing?" I ask him harshly and he also stops, turning to look at me with a surprised expression.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm getting your smart ass out of here." He takes a step forward and grabs my wrist again.

"I'm not going anywhere with you. Shouldn't you be with your girlfriend right now? Where's everybody? "

I know the answer to that question, but I'm in denial. I'm just too mad that I couldn't get myself to admit that my friends just left me there, so I took it out on him.

Also I couldn't miss the opportunity to point out that I know about the girl he was making out with. Even if I didn't exactly see them making out, but having his hand close to her butt when they barely had clothes on was almost as if they were.

What am I even saying? Ignore me. Just like my friends did.

"They have already left and she's not my girlfriend. We have to go. Now."

He raises his voice, but I know it's just because the weather is so terrible that it's hard to hear with the thunders.

The weather is getting worse by the minute, with more wind and the rain starting to fall, anticipating the big storm that is approaching. Well, whoever planned this party didn't bother to check the weather forecast.

The place is a lot less crowded, as almost everyone left by now, only a few people still around and I'm not really sure what to do.

"Why would I go with you, Noah? You probably just want to take me out of here to be mean and say how needy I am and that I don't mean anything you. Why would you even help me?"

"Damn it Emma, why do you have to complicate things so much? I just want to get us out of here. In case you haven't noticed, there's a big storm coming our way. So, stop whatever it is, this pride you have and let's just go."

I don't want to go with him, but I also don't want to be left here alone. The surroundings are almost empty by now and he's looking at me angrily, as usual. I can see he's trying to control himself not to leave me there, so I don't feel like pushing it anymore.

Another thunder lights the sky and it's the creepiest sound I've ever heard, making me flinch. The past minutes have been a mix of lightnings and thunders and I'm starting to panic.

I don't have any other option but to go with him.

"Fine. I'll go with you." I walk past him and without looking behind to see if he's following me, I continue to where his car is parked.

Weirdly enough, I know exactly where he parked his fancy car. Don't ask me how.

*cough* stalker *cough*

It's already raining heavily by the time we reach the car, me a few seconds before he does. He unlocks it and I enter the passenger seat quickly, already soaked.

I kind of feel bad for being wet in his car, but then I remember it's Noah we are talking about. Maybe it's divine punishment for him being a jerk, so I hope his leather seats suffer with it.

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