Chapter 1: First Gun

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It's Friday, you were walking home from school after a long day of Math, History, English, and Science lessons, you were walking with your best friend Sam, you two are also childhood friends and grew up in the same neighbor hood together, you two supported each other and help each other out, his also a computer nerd and has straight A's on Math.

Y/N: Damnit, the Math lesson was complicated to understand today...

Sam: You feel asleep during the lesson

Y/N: Doing Math early in the morning is not healthy!

You complained as you and Sam continues to walk down the streets, you started to curse under your breath of doing Math early in the morning when you get to school, I mean, Math lessons 8 o'clock in the morning? No thank you.

Y/N: I mean seriously, who wants to do math early in the morning? Not me that's for sure.

Sam: Well...I like doing it early in the morning

Y/N: Okay, you got some problems...

You and Sam continued walking through the streets, then Sam asked you a question of what your going to do this weekend because he doesn't want you to stay indoors all the time.

Sam: Hay, you got any planes this weekend besides...sleep and eat...

Y/N: You already know, you just said it.

Sam: *sigh* come on Y/N, you need to get out and do something besides watching cartoons...

Once he said that last part it triggered you as you got a bit irritated of what he said about you watching anime that is "NOT" a cartoon.

Y/N: Hay, anime is "not" a cartoon okay!

Sam: Really? It looks like it is though...are you sure its not a cartoon?

Y/N: Do you want me to punch you straight in the face?

Sam: N-No, sorry, I'll shut up...

He said as he waved his hands in front of you for mercy, you just sigh in response as you and him continue to walk down the streets towards your homes.


Moments past as you finally arrived in front of your house, its a two stor house that has plenty of space for one person like yourself, your parents rented this house for you so you can finish school and so on while there at Afghanistan doing journalist of what's happening there.

Sam: Welp, I guess ill see you back at school since I don't know what your gonna do this weekend...

Y/N: Yea I guess, goodnight

Sam: Night man

You two parted from each other as Sam continued to walk through the streets towards his home that was a few more blocks away from yours, you walked in your front yard and was about to unlock the door to your house but a cardboard square box was laying in front of your door.

Y/N: Huh? What's this?

You said as you picked up the cardboard box, you then started to shake it gently trying to listen of what's inside but you didnt here anything in it.

Y/N: Okay then...I wonder what's in the the box...

Ohhh! What's in the box!?

You then took the cardboard box with you as you walked inside your house, you then set the cardboard box down on the counter in your living room, you then rip the tape that was sealing the lid, you opened the cardboard box and looked inside and saw what looks like an iphone.

Y/N: A phone?

You then took the phone from the box as you examined it, you then try to find what brand is it but couldn't find it.

Y/N: What kind of phone is this?

Then the screen of the phone started to turn on and light up, the phone then started to say stuff like an A.I. robotic voice.

Phone: DNA analysis, Master "Y/N L/N", confirming registration.

Y/N: What the-

You then looked at the screen as it says "Downloading First Gun" on it, you placed the phone down as you were confused of what just happened a few moments ago.

Y/N: Okay...I'm just gonna go upstairs and take a shower...

You said as you were still confused of what just happened, you then started to head upstairs so you can get a shower leaving the phone you found in the cardboard box in the living room, while you were gone the phone started to glow.


Time skip as you got out of the shower finished cleaning and drying yourself, you then walked into your room so you can put on some clean clothes, once you got some clean clothes on, you started to walk downstairs and you could smell...something good that makes you hungry.

Y/N: Huh, something smells good...wait a second...

You then thought that there was someone else in your house trying to rob you, you panicked a bit as you quickly got a baseball bat from the living room, once you got it you rushed towards the kitchen were that person that got in your house.

Y/N thoughts: Damnit! Why do keep forgetting to lock the door!

Once you reached the kitchen you got your baseball bat ready so you can defend yourself.

Y/N: You walked in the wrong house fo-

Before you could finish your sentence, you were cut off as you saw one hell of a cute, sexy girl that you just stop and stood still in place, she had white snowy hair, gold-brown looking eyes and she was holding a pistol on her right hand, she then turned her attention towards you as she noticed you.

Before you could finish your sentence, you were cut off as you saw one hell of a cute, sexy girl that you just stop and stood still in place, she had white snowy hair, gold-brown looking eyes and she was holding a pistol on her right hand, she the...

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Five-seveN: Hello master, my name is Five-seveN, and dinner is almost ready for you!

She said in a happy tone voice as she smiled happily at you, you just stood still in place as you got confused of what's going on in front of you.

Y/N thoughts: I'm so hard right now...


First Chapter of my Gun Game book, and FYI I love guns ever since when I was young, until then ill see you in the next Chapter, bye-bye!

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