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Changbin sits patiently on the couch while playing with the sleeves of his black hoodie, waiting for a knock on the door to occur. He couldn't believe he was actually doing this, he was scared as hell on the inside of what this Stay Taker is expecting from him. He was a bouncy little like Hyunjin was, he was more of the shy cuddly type. He hears the knock he's been waiting for as he swallowed down the nervous lump in his throat that was making his body stuck to the couch. He gets off the couch and makes his way over to the door, slowly turns the locks before grabbing the knob to swing the door backward and see the familiar looking orange hair boy in the photo. 

"Hi, Binnie." He greets Changbin with a smile and a wave. Changbin waves back, not saying anything as he moved out of the taller one way to let him inside. 

"You're place is very tidy, do you live by yourself?" He asks him, turning around to face the shy looking Little as he simply shook his head left and right in response. 

"Can you not speak? or are you just choosing not to for coping purposes?" He bends down to face himself with him, his big brown eyes captivating Changbin to stare at him. He puts two fingers up and nods his head up and down to Felix second question. 

"That's fine. It actually makes the job easier and you...really cute." Felix says, ruffling Changbin hair inside his hood.

Changbin feels a tight blush form on his cheeks as he started to feel warmer. He watches Felix rummages into his back pocket before he pulled out a lollipop to hand to him. Changbin looks up at Felix with big eyes as he didn't understand, Felix simply nods his head with reassurance. This makes it easier for Changbin to remove its wrapper and stick the sweet into his mouth.

"Aw so cute," Felix told him, it was meant to sound like how he say it to other Littles but this version came out in a more genuine tone. The boy uwus are being stolen with every minute that passed by with the shy Little.

"So how about we get going on this blanket fort? I've been looking up the best methods to truly make this a fun experience that doesn't end up with the blankets toppling on us." The younger laughs as Changbin walked a few steps ahead of him to stop at a closet outside of his room. He opens the cabinet to reveal bedsheets, towels, and blankets that he and Hyunjin used.

Felix immediately begins to look through the blankets as he took the biggest ones and handed them to Changbin. Changbin watches intently as he sucked in his lollipop like a pacifier. Felix closes the cabinet and grabs the blankets he handed to Changbin, their hands brushing against one another for that brief second. Felix walks back to the living room to leave the blankets on the couch before pushing the coffee table out of the way for more room. Changbin plops himself down on the floor criss-cross to watch Felix began building his own interpretation of a blanket fort. 

Felix looks down to Changbin crawling his way into the fort as he sits criss-cross and pats the spot next to him for Felix to join him

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Felix looks down to Changbin crawling his way into the fort as he sits criss-cross and pats the spot next to him for Felix to join him. Felix was seriously feeling a cuteness overload with the little, his insides felt warm and his heart fluttered for the cutie. He makes his way into the fort and takes the seat next to the little, Changbin looks up at him. Felix stared into the Little's brown eyes with his own as he felt his insides turning into mush from such a simple stare. 


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"You're...handsome," Changbin whispers as he tugs on the sleeves of his black hoodie. Felix hears it, his eyes widen from hearing his voice. 

"You're too cute Binnie." He replies, wrapping his arms around the Little waist to bring him into a tight hug, having the urge to do it since he saw him. Changbin arms hover over Felix's neck as he felt too shocked and afraid in the moment to hug someone that felt so soft and warm against his chest. He let his arms hover until Felix leaned back for the back of his head to hit a pillow and Changbin head resting on his shoulder and hands on his chest. 

Felix was smiling like an idiot at his expression as he could tell the Little doesn't really initiate skinship or know how to handle it when it's brought to him. Changbin faces had gone completely red when realized how close his face is with Felix and how his toothy smile didn't make it any better. He hides his face in Felix's shoulder while clutching his hands on the baby blue hoodie he was wearing. Feeling embarrassed, Felix kisses the top of his head and wraps a single arm around his waist, taking his free hand to stroke the Little hair. Felix was squealing on the inside by how his heartfelt squeezed by so much adorableness happening to him and his insides warm and fuzzy. 

Trying to keep his composure, he stops stroking Changbin hair to reach for his laptop. Opening it up, he logins in and opens Netflix to begin playing the Disney Film Toy Story. Changbin hears the familiar beginning of the Pixar lamp bouncing up and down on the letter I. He lifts his head to wiggle down and rest his head on Felix's chest while wrapping an arm around his waist to see the movie better. Felix smiles that a movie was able to gather his attention so quickly and to initiate skinship he probably had no idea he did. 


Throughout the movie, Felix brought his hand up from Changbin waist to stroke his hair. Smiling every time he heard a soft giggle escape his lips and how he cuddled more against his chest. It wasn't until soft snores are heard to alarm Felix, lifting up his head to see Changbin had fallen asleep with only twenty minutes left in the movie. He closes his laptop and shuffles slightly to turn off the fairy lights he hung around the fort, darkness immediately consuming the fort and apartment. 

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