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Hyunjin was asleep on the towel, Jeongin opening the beach umbrella and putting it over him so he wouldn't get sun brunt. Jeongin smiles down at the sleeping boy, his hair covering one  of his eyes. Jeongin wanted to so badly sit next to the boy and pet his hair.

After seeing Hyunjin soft but serious adult side, he realized that maybe he wasn't so bad and worth more than easy money. He was actually more than an energitic, cute, and a attention needy Little. He was a person with feelings, you can talk to, get advice from, and laugh with.

Jeongin had to stop the thoughts and the flutter feeling in his chest, this was his job after all. He backs away from the sleeping boy and takes a seat next to the shore line. People began to leave the beach, the sun slowly beginning to set.

Jeongin turns around to look back at their spot, chuckling to himself when he sees Felix rubbing Changbin hair with a ducky towel before wrapping him in it. He turns away from the scene to just stare at the setting sun, the sky turning hues of orange and pink.

"Jeongin-ah!" Felix voices calls out to him while running towards him. Jeongin looks up to see Felix now standing over him.

"Changbin is sleepy and wants to go home and Hyunjin is cryin-" Jeongin doesn't let the older finish as he stands up and runs to Hyunjin.

Changbin was already there as he petted the older hair to calm him down. Jeongin takes a seat next to Hyunjin, Changbin backing away. Jeongin lifts the older head onto his lap to stroke his fingers through his hair and rubbing circles on his back. Hyunjin whimpers in his sleep as tears slid down his cheeks and mumbled words coming out of his lips.

"Please say you love me..." Hyunjin says in a clear tone. Jeongin eyes widen in surprise from the words as his heart began to race.

"Seungminnie." Jeongin heart stopped from the name as he finally shook the boy awake before he said more.

Hyunjin flutters his eyes open and smiles when he wakes up to see Jeongin. His smile turns concerned when Jeongin looked hurt.

"Innie?" Hyunjin asks as he reaches up to touch the boy face. Jeongin moves his head away from his touch and stands up on the towel.

"We're leaving now." Jeongin tells him, beginning to pack away the rest of his things.

Hyunjin felt confused from the sudden cold behavior. He touches his face since he felt wet, Was I crying? He asks himself while getting up from his beach towel to pack away his things.

They all pack their things in the trunk of Felix car before getting in. Hyunjin and Changbin sitting in the back seat
The ducky towel was still around Changbin and the hoodie with a duck face on it over his head. Felix looks at him with the mirror to smile at the cutie with heart eyes, but still making sure to focus on the road.




"Shut-up!" Jeongin tells Jisung before he could say his greeting.

Jeongin throws his bag and slams the bedroom door behind him. He falls face first onto his bed and began to cry. His heart and head hurt and he didn't understand why.

So what if Hyunjin was in love with someone else?
Why should that bother him?
This was just his job and not the type of job to catch feelings for people with a personality disorder.

He started feeling numb as he cheeks stained with streaks of tears and his eyes fluttered shut.
He fell asleep.



It's the next day and Jisung had ten minutes to get to the office to check on things before going to meet Minho. He was going to be late though since Jeongin locked his bedroom door and wasn't answering him. Jisung began to bang on the door but no sound is heard from the inside. Jisung getting worried begins to slam his shoulder into the door.

Jisung was scared, truly afraid that the younger did something drastic last night due to his rude attitude when he came home. He rattles the door knob and begins to kick the door with all his strength.


"Jisung. We don't want you hanging out with Jeongin anymore."

"Why's that dad? You absolutely love it when he comes over here."

"He's gay Jisung, and no son of mine will hang around a faggot."

"Well guess what dad?"


"I'm gay. And another thing! He's been living with me for the last month since his parents kicked him out."

"What words are you speaking? My son gay? Hah!"

"Tell mom I had to leave early due to a certain homophobic."


"Jeongin! I'm home! You won't believe my fa..."

Jisung walks into the younger bedroom to see him on his bed with an empty bottle of pills. His face looked pale and his breathing didn't look normal.

"No! No! No! You will not die on me Yang Jeongin!" Jisung turns the younger to his side.

"I apologize in advance." Jisung tells him before sticking two fingers into the younger and reaching down to the back of his throat until his gag refelxed kicked in. Jisung took out his fingers just in time for the younger to spring awake and vomit on the bedside floor.

Jisung calls for an ambulance while the younger threw-up.


"Do you have to be so god damn annoying?" Jeongin opens the door with an annoyed expression but he didn't look well to the older.

"Are you okay?" Jisung asks as he reaches to touch his face, Jeongin slaps his hand away.

"I'm fine." Jeongin tells him with a raspy voice and stuffed nose.

"You're sick?" Jisung asks.

"Oh know! What gave it away?" Jeongin asks with sarcasm in his voice making Jisung roll his eyes.

"Alright be an ass. I have to go to work but you know where the cold medicine is and the humidifier is." Jisung tells him before leaving him.

Jeongin sighs heavily before going back to his bed and getting under his covers, tears sliding down his cheeks with muffled sobs as he wanted to fall asleep.

Little Stay (H.H X Y.J)✅Where stories live. Discover now