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*Minho POV*

I feel watched lately, like someone is always behind me but whenever I turn my back they're not there. It's felt like this for about a month now. I continue to think it's just air. It feels to real now; I hear light camera shutters, whispering, light footsteps. It's like whatever or whoever has become sloppy or confident in never getting caught.

I hear the familiar noises to immediately turn around to see a backup dancer in front of me now. It startles me backwards but alerts me when the noise just disappears. My backup dancer was taller than me by  a few centimeters so I had to look up at him slightly.

"Changmin. How can I help?" I ask him, he had a slender figure, brown hair, brown eyes, and was a Kyu-tie overall.

"I want to know when Hyunjin is getting here since me and him usually like to run over the moves once before the actual rehearsal shoot." Changmin tells me with a soft smile.

"He's not coming today." I tell him.

"Oh really? Why's that?" Changmin ask with his eyes widening and his concern sounding fake.

"He's going through a very personal manner and hasn't been very well due to it." I tell him, leaving out details.

"Must have been tragic if he's unable to perform. I hope it has nothing to do with the terrible accident that happened last Friday." Changmin sighs, his shoulders moving down with it.

"So I'm guessing I'm your only available backup dancer today?" He asks me in a hopeful manner.

"Uh no. My manager got a trainee to fill in for Hyunjin until he can come back." I explain to him.

"Then where is he?" He asks me through gritted teeth.

"I saw him getting his makeup done last time I saw him." I tell him.

"Great! I'll go over the moves with him then." Changmin smiles, almost forced as he bows to me before leaving.

I began to stretch out my legs when the familiar noises came back to haunt me. I was going to turn around but they suddenly fade away again.

"Hyung?" I turn around to see Jisung with tears streaming downs his cheeks.

"Babe what's wrong?" I ask him, immediately walking up to him. I cup his cheeks to wipe away his tears with the pad of my thumb.

"Jeongin woke up. B-bbut he doesn't remember mmm-m-me or anything before the ac-accident." He sobs hard, I guide his head to cry into my shoulder while I rub small circles on his back. He wraps his arms around my waist and his hands cling to the frabric of my sweater.



"We can't let you in until we've calm him down and explained what happened to him." The doctor tells Hyunjin.

"Why doesn't he remember anything! Tell me!" Hyunjin shouts at the doctor.

The boy was hostile with the lack of sleep he's been getting, the younger always on his mind. Minho drugging him two days ago was the only day he actually slept fully.

Jisung had ran out in tears when Jeongin began screaming and shouting at him to get out. The younger freaking out when he couldn't understand his pain, where he was, and the people in front of him. His memory of the accident and anything before then been wiped away.

"Sir I need you to calm down." The doctor tells Hyunjin. Hyunjin feeling himself getting frustrated walks away from the doctor. He leans his head against a wall to take in a deep breath and exhale while running his hands through his long black hair.

"Hyunjin?" A hand is placed on Hyunjin shoulder with the deep voice catching his attention. Hyunjin turns around to immediately wrap his arms around Felix neck and put his head in the crook of his neck, tears staining his skin.

"Jinnie what happened?" Changbin standing next to Felix asks, seeing the doctor inside of Jeongin room. Hyunjin lifts his head out of Felix neck to look at the older.

"He lost his memory Hyung, he doesn't remember anything before the accident." Hyunjin sobs out, Changbin coming close to him to wipe his tears away with the sleeves of sweater.

"Excuse me, but do you any of you know the people in this photo." The doctor comes out of Jeongin room to ask them. Felix notices the phone case to be Jeongin phone, displaying a picture of Chan with Woojin.

"Yes I know them. Would you like me to contact them?" Felix asks the doctor, still holding Hyunjin.

"Yes please, I don't think Mr. Yang will stop crying or screaming until he sees them." The doctor tells Felix before walking from them to go back into Jeongin room.

"Changbin can you hold him?" Felix asks, trying to get Hyunjin off of him but he clings onto him. Felix sighs and shakes his head in a 'never mind' manner to Changbin. Felix leaves one arm around Hyunjin while using the other to get his phone and call Chan. His phone ringing until he finally picks up.

"Hyung...I need you to get to the hospital immediately with Woojin. Yes...The doctor said Jeongin won't stop freaking out until he sees the both of you. Yeah....Okay. Thanks Hyung. Yup...See you soon." The call is cut short. Felix puts his phone away in his pants pocket to wrap his arm around Hyunjin. The boy holding on to him tightly for some sort of comfort.

All the boys being able to hear Jeongin cries and screams through the door of his room. They could only imagine his massive confusion when he can't understand who anyone is? or where he was? and why?

They just hoped the Hyungs would help calm him down and refresh his memories somehow.

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