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Chan and Woojin arrive at the hospital, hand in hand to see their dongsaengs waiting for them out side of Jeongin room.

"Hey, what's going on?" Chan ask Felix, unfamiliar with the other boys. 

"Hyung this is Hyunjin and Changbin. Hyunjin is Jeongin little and interesting friend. Changbin is my little." Felix says, introducing Hyunjin who was still clinging on to him and Changbin who simply bowed to the olders.

"Nice to meet everyone, I'm Woojin." Woojin introduces himself.

"The doctor is inside of Jeongin room still and says you can go through when your ready." Felix tells them. Chan gives him a nod before tightening his hold on Woojin and entering the hospital room.



Jeongin eyes immediately stopped producing tears when he saw the two males in front of him. He smiles, showing off his braces. He puts his arms out to them, wanting to be held by them both.

Chan being on the offense stays behind but Woojin does the opposite. He lets go of Chan hand to go to Jeongin bedside and hug the younger gently. He easily hugs him back, the older reminding him of a stuff teddy bear. Woojin pulls away but Jeongin whines, holding out his arms again. Woojin smiles at him as he hugs him again, he enjoyed the attention seeking from the younger.

Chan was flabbergasted, it's like the boy that had the resting face of a death glare got lost on his way to the hospital. Jeongin wasn't an angst young adult anymore but a baby boy, He became a little and that being something he swore he'd never become or be.

"Excuse Dr. Jung, but is their a possibility of a person hitting their head hard enough to have their personality completely changed?" Chan ask the doctor.

"It's a very definitive explanation for the boy new behavior if you say he's never acted like this." The doctor agrees with Chan, watching Woojin sit on the bed for Jeongin to cuddle into his side.

"Will have to get an MRI to see the difference of what his brain is now and from the MRI we took the day he was brought here." The doctor tells Chan.

"Is it okay for my friends to come in, now that we're here." Chan asks the doctor.

"I suggest spending time with him first before asking him his permission." The doctor tells him before exiting the room.

"Eomma!" Jeongin whines out to Chan. Chan looking at Jeongin with wide eyes to point at himself, the younger nodding his head in response.

"How come I'm the eomma?" Chan asks Woojin, going to the opposite of Jeongin to wrap an arm around his shoulders.

"You're the typical mom that would make Jeongin a mamma boy's. Just accept it." Woojin tells him, seeing the younger remove himself from him to cling onto Chan.

"This is overall really weird." Chan says, hugging Jeongin, his heart busting owus (😂). 

"What was he like before?" Woojin asks him, as he scooted closer to them to pet Jeongin hair.

"Nothing like this. He had moods, he cursed, and hated affection. This is the complete opposite of it." Chan tells Woojin.

"Do you think the accident made him a little but his adult side is still buried?" Woojin asks Chan.

"I hope so, cause we're going to end up taking care of him if he doesn't." Chan tells him. Both looking at Jeongin, his eyes closed, cuddled into Chan side with his thumb in his mouth.

"You have to admit that he's freaking adorable." Woojin Coos at Jeongin.

"He is. He really is." Chan Coos as he lays down on the small space to let Jeongin cuddle more comfortably on him as Woojin continued to pet his hair.



Woojin now sat outside with the members as he tries to explain Jeongin new personality. Jeongin no longer in his room, after taking a small nap the doctors and nurses woke him to take him for MRI testing; Chan going with him so he wouldn't be afraid. 

"So he's basically a little now?" Jisung asks, arriving only ten minutes ago with Minho.

Despite the major situation; Felix, Changbin, and Woojin couldn't stop staring at Minho. They felt like they were in the presence of a legendary rookie. Felix checking the pulse on his neck when he saw how handsome he looked in person, ethereal. Woojin would agree with his thoughts if he knew them, but Changbin couldn't help but glare at the older for catching Felix attention.

"Stop staring at my boyfriend! We got a more serious situation here!" Jisung yelled at them, clapping his hands and snapping his fingers in their faces.

"Sorry, he's somewhat of little. He's more baby like but still has the vocabulary to speak." Woojin explains to Jisung.

"Does he have an adult side?" Hyunjin speaks up to ask, his foot tapping and playing with his hands. He was anxious to find out more about little Jeongin.

"We aren't sure yet. If he does, we are not sure if his same personality before the accident is still in there or has been altered as well." Woojin tells Hyunjin.

"What happens then? Does he get his actual personality back and memory? Or do his new personalities stick with him and he just gets his memory back?" Hyunjin rambles on with What if? Questions to his hyungs that didn't know how to answer them.

"If his personality sticks with an adult side and his memory, we will support him. If his personality sticks with an adult side but he loses his memories we will support and help him. No matter the outcome, we help Jeongin if he needs us." Woojin tells them all.

Tears began pouring out of Hyunjin eyes again, being the big baby he was was easily moved by Woojin words. He just wanted to know if everything will be okay in the end. Wanting so badly to see the younger smiling, moving, and interacting again. He especially wanted to hug him so desperately again. His longing for Jeongin had his heart pounding.

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