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~Six Months Later~




"For the last 150 times! I can't tell you!"

"It just makes no sense!"


"Because you disappeared for five months, came back, and you were let off Scott free!"

"That's because I was forced into hitting Jeongin since there was footage of being held at gunpoint."

"I just still feel like it's too shady. I figured there'd be some sort of punishment for not saying anything or turning yourself in the day it happened."

"Hyunjin, Seungmin is in jail now, I'm officially home again, and you have a healthy boyfriend. What more could you ask for?"

"I just want to know where you were or who you were with."

"I'm sorry. I really can't tell you." Changbin pats the top of Hyunjin head before leaving the living room to go to his bedroom.

Hyunjin huffs in disappointment by still not getting answers from Changbin since he came back. Hyunjin gets up from the floor and grabs his coat, about to head out the door when someone knocks on it. Hyunjin puts down his coat and goes to open the door.

"Felix?" Hyunjin opens the door to come face to face with him.

Felix had gone mute since Changbin disappeared and even quit his job as a Stay Taker. Everyone heard he took a better job opportunity but never knew what it was.

"Kon'nichiwa!" A little girl voice squeaks out. Hyunjin looks down with surprised eyes to see a little girl with similar features to Changbin but more feminine.

"Kon'nichiwa, And who may you be?" Hyunjin asks awkwardly as he blinks twice at her.

"Kon'nichiwa watashinonamaeha Chaeyoungdesu." She smiles up at Hyunjin with her two front teeth not there.

"Is Changbin here?" Felix asks Hyunjin, grabbing his attention.

"Felix what's going on? Where have you been and why does this little girl have the same last name as Changbin?" Hyunjin was throwing out questions in desperation to ease his confusion.

"PAPA!" Chaeyoung yells, letting go of Felix hand and running through Hyunjin legs to jump into her father arms.

"Felix?" Another voices comes from behind Felix.

"Babe? What is going on anymore!" Hyunjin wails. His head was beating with stress and confusion. He couldn't take it anymore and ended up fainting.



"Baby?" Jeongin calls out to Hyunjin. The boys helped put Hyunjin dead weight on the couch. Jeongin had his head on his lap as he stroked his fingers through his hair.

"Papa, is he dead?" Chaeyoung looks up to ask Changbin in Japanese.

"He's not dead sweetie." Changbin chuckles (responding in Japanese) poking Hyunjin cheek just to make sure.

Hyunjin scrunch his nose and wiggles it before fluttering his eyes open to see everyone around him. The boys became worried when the saw the shock on his face and worried he was going to faint again.

"Hey, hey look at me. Just look at me and breath." Jeongin turns Hyunjin face away from the others to look up at him. Their eyes meet and Jeongin helps Hyunjin breath at his normal tempo. Hyunjin gets his breathe on track and sits up on the couch to look at Changbin. He points at him, Felix, and the child.

"Explaining, now." Hyunjin tells them as he cuddles himself into Jeongin side for comfort.

"Hyunjin, this is my daughter Chaeyoung. She was born in Japan from her mother who had passed last year. She was placed in an orphanage without my notice and she wasn't allowed to cross into Korea because she had no form of me being there, documents, or a passport." Changbin explains.

"Wait, wait,  you've had a daughter for how long now without my notice?" Hyunjin asks her.

"For five years now." Changbin tells him.

"Seriously? But how? You're gay!" Hyunjin shouts at him.

"I'm bisexual to clarify. And I met Chaeyoung mom during my senior of high school at a school dance. One thing led to another and we graduated without my notice of her being pregnant. She didn't tell me until she moved to Japan and gave birth to Chaeyoung." Changbin tells Hyunjin.

"How does he get into this?" Hyunjin asks pointing at Felix.

"A month before Seungmin arrest Felix was the only person I told about Chaeyoung since we started dating." Hyunjin looked like his brain was about to explode with so much shock and information filling it up.

"I quit Little Stay to become an agent in a Child Services Agency. Changbin told me about Chaeyoung and he became my first case. Changbin and I disappeared for five months to go to Japan and meet Chaeyoung while I worked to get her documents and passport." Felix tells Hyunjin.

"Me and Changbin both signed the papers to become her legal guardians." Felix finishes.

"Wait you two are married?" Hyunjin asks with his jaw open.

"No!- I mean no we are not, but we're both serious about this relationship enough to have signed guardian ship to my child." Changbin tells Hyunjin, not wanting to pressure Felix if he gets the wrong idea.

"I think I need to go into my room to process all this information before I even try talking Japanese to your daughter." Hyunjin tells them, getting up from his seat and grabbing Jeongin hand to follow him.

"Mata chikaiuchini o...ai shimashou (see you...soon)" Jeongin directs to Chaeyoung with his attempt at speaking proper Japanese. Chaeyoung smiles at his attempt, giving him a thumbs up before leaving their sight.



(A big ploy twist for our Changlix ship and Changbin hidden story)

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