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"Hyung, I know we haven't know each other long but I like you."

"Ugh no! To formal."

"Hyunjin, this is really hard for me to say since I didn't think I'd ever fall for someone like you, but I did. I like you...a lot."

"Yeah. That's better."





The sound of a revving engine rings into his ear. The sound of tires rippling on the road as it sped towards the side of his car.

No time to swerve away.

No time to brake.

No time to brace for impact.

No time to meet the eyes of his foe.

The car collides into his side, denting the door inwards, thrashing his car into another. The windows cracking and breaking on sight to cut the boy.

His head collides into the steering wheel hard. A bigger cut to form on his forehead. His vision goes blurry with ringing in his ears as he tries to make out the person in the form of shapes.

He failed.

His whole world going black.



"Hyunjin you look like utter shit. I specifically told you not to show up today." Minho yells at Hyunjin, wishing the younger would obey him. Hyunjin looked paler than usual, face puffy, and eyes red. It's like he hasn't stopped crying after two days of Jeongin being in a coma still.

"I have an obligation to be here to work as your back up dancer and it's best for me to be distracted than thinking about him 24/7." Hyunjin tells Minho, dropping his backpack on the chair waiting room.

"Hyunjin. I'm sorry but I think it's best for you not to be here when you look like you haven't showered, slept, or stopped crying for the past two days." Minho tells him, trying his best to convince the younger to go home.

"Hyung! I'm not going anywhere. Just put a mask on me, give me some eye drops, do my makeup and I'll look perfectly fine." Hyunjin tells him.

"Hyunjin!" Minho grabs him by his shoulder to stop him from approaching the make-up artist Noona.

"Minho! I'm fine!" Hyunjin shrugs his hand off his shoulder and walks away to the make-up artist Noona.

Minho throws his hands down in frustration and gets out of the make-up area before he throws a scene.



By the time the broadcast ends for Inkigayo, Minho walks backstage to the waiting area to see Hyunjin passed out in a chair. He didn't change out of his costume or wipe off his make-up. Minho sighs at the younger for overworking himself when his head isn't in the right condition.

"Hyunjin-ssi...Hyunjin-Ssi...? Hyunjin-ah!" Minho yells while shaking his arm.

"Hyung?" Hyunjin opens his eyes for tears to immediately begin falling down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry. I-I have to get to the hospital." Hyunjin tries to stand up but Minho stops him from doing so.


"Hyunjin!" Minho holds his arms down on the chair armrests. "You're coming home with me to take a shower and get proper sleep." Minho tells him in a demanding tone.

"I can't, I can't, I need to be there when he wakes up." Hyunjin explains to Minho, trying to release his arms from their hold.

"I'm sorry Hyunjin, but I care about you to much to watch you become a zombie." Minho everts his eyes from Hyunjin to look behind him.

"Why? Wh-what?" Hyunjin turns his head to see what/who Minho was looking at. A needle pierces the boy neck vein, a sleeping serum working instantly through his blood stream.

"I'm sorry, but it's for your own good."  Those are the last words Hyunjin hears before knocking out into a deep sleep.

"Thanks Babe..."



"Did you do it?"

"Do what?"

"Did you intentionally hurt Yang Jeongin by causing the accident?"

"What? What the fuck Hyunjin! Of course not!"

"Jisung told me you weren't in the office during the time of the accident. So where were you?"

"I was out with a little, like my job requires me to do."

"You seriously didn't cause the accident out of jealous?"

"No! I was upset of course but I'm not sadistic enough to take a life because of it."

"I have to go now Seungmin."

"Take care Hyunjin. I'll pray for him."

"Thank you."

Little Stay (H.H X Y.J)✅Where stories live. Discover now