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*Having a lack of inspiration for this book, please understand if this chapter is shit*


Jeongin felt thrilled to no longer worry about studying for his entrance exams and could spend a whole day at the beach, even if it was with a Little and his Little Friend.

"Hey Jeongin. Ready to pick up our Little's?" Felix asks Jeongin as he walked into the office already in his trunks and a plain T-shirt.

"Wait? You're the Care Taker for...DarkBinnie?" Jeongin asks Felix.

"Yup. The kid is really shy and doesn't really talk so he won't be much of a bother to us. And I'm guessing your officially HwangJinnie Stay Taker?" Felix ask him.

"What do you mean by that?" Jeongin asks with a confused expression.

"It's just...HwangJinnie doesn't usually hire a Stay Taker twice unless he really hit it off with him, like a connection to clarify." Felix tells him, his eyes wandering to look at Seungmin in his cubicle.

"Alright, so I'm special? Cool." Jeongin says in a dull tone. "Let's go. I told him I'd pick him by 2 o'clock." Jeongin tells the older before turning his back to him and walking out of the office, Felix following.


Hyunjin found it hard getting ready for his day at the beach with Jeongin after his encounter with Jisung yesterday. He didn't feel like his Little-self today even in hot pink swim shorts and a pink T-shirt. He felt used all over again, Jeongin was special to Hyunjin while Jeongin used him as easy money.

"You look cute." Changbin comes into the bathroom next to Hyunjin.

"Thanks." Hyunjin shrugs while speaking in his normal voice, alarming Changbin.

"Hey?" Changbin grabs his arm before he could walk out. "Are you okay? Where's your Little-self at?" Changbin asks him.

"I don't know, I can't seem to find him today but I promise to fake it when they get here." Hyunjin tells him. Changbin blinks his eyes as he was in a state in shock, the boy could always find his Little-self.

"You probably won't be hearing much of me today." Changbin tells him.

"Oh right! You get really shy and quiet as a little." Hyunjin laughs, "Be careful alright." He smiles at him.

"Always." Changbin smiles back as he holds up his arms, he was wearing a black long sleeve rash guard with blue swim shorts that went down to his knees.

The doorbell rings throughout the apartment as Changbin Little-self immediately clicks on. His heart was beating in his chest, his fingers playing with the ends of his sleeves, and his teeth biting his bottom lip. Hyunjin looks at the older and laughs at the complete difference between the adult and the Little. Hyunjin ruffles his hair while walking past him to answer the door.

"Hi! You must HwangJinnie, I'm Felix." Felix introduces himself, Hyunjin shaking his hand with a polite smile. Hyunjin looks at Jeongin to see a blank expression as he looked at him.

"Hey Jinnie, ready?" Jeongin greets/asks. Hyunjin felt a prick in his heart by the lack of excitement from him as he simply nodded his head. Changbin comes next to Hyunjin to simply wave at the Stay Takers, his other hand gripping the strap of his bag.

"Alright." Jeongin shows a pressed smiles before turning his back to them. Felix waits for the Littles, watching them walk out and lock there apartment door before following him.



Jeongin is layed down on a beach towel with Hyunjin next to him on his own towel as he soaked up the sun. Hyunjin was finding it hard to find his Little Self and it didn't help that Jeongin was so closed off. He lifts his head up to see Felix and Changbin sat in the sand making sand castles, laughing with one another as Felix tickled Changbin under his chin.

Little Stay (H.H X Y.J)✅Where stories live. Discover now