Chapter 4 (Part 1)

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Emilia POV

HEY! Minato sensei was so UNFAIR! He told us to meet him at training ground 5 at 5 am for NO FLIPPING REASON! I have to get up at 4 am and then change into a long sleeve white hoodie with my clan symbol on my back that was a size too big. I have to wear knee length trousers and then wear black legging. And why I was wearing an Uchiha one was previously I couldn't find my clan's one.  

I ran out of the house the moment I wore my black ninja sandals. I bit on my hairband and tried to tie it into a tiny ponytail. I almost fell on the ground and I jumped to adjust my other shoe which has a misaligned bandage wrapping. I glanced at my wrist watch and decided to use the body flicker jutsu. I formed the hand signs and I appeared in front of a happy Rin and an unhappy Kakashi. 

I smiled widely and waved at them. Rin waved back and Kakashi was just Kakashi. Hah! I sat down next to Rin and dozed off. I am so NOT drinking coffee anymore it just makes me sleep. 

-My Fabulous dream-

I stumbled on the ground. I felt around me to feel water and walls that curve in. A dome. My eyes widen in fear. This was the exact same place I witness a murder. I stumbled back and hit the wall behind me. 

I sat down hugging my knees close to me as a black figure came into view. But how, this place was enclosed. Her hands held something shiny, I tried to run away but there was only closed walls. 

"you will never run." She chanted. Her hands raised up like what happens when you are summoning something. I punch the wall and it cracked. She laughed maniacally and ran to me. Tears filled my eyes as I punch the wall with more force. 

But it didn't budge. 

I furiously started punching it and It broke. I turned back and ran into the light. I ran across a forked path and I ran to the left and that thing just followed me. I looked behind and saw the thing stopping, I slowed down but to only see the most gruesome thing of all.

The thing shed its skin and then turned into a monster. It had green scaly skin, long strong legs and vicious claws outlining his paws. He bared his sharp, pointy yellowish teeth. His eyes full of madness. 

"WAKE UP EMILIA!" I awoke with tears streaming down my face and a very pale face, sweat was dripping down in rivulets. 


I have never seen Emilia like this but her reaction is too large and I have no choice but to wake her up. "Wake up Emilia. WAKE UP EMILIA!" I screamed at her ear. She awoke as she adjusted to her environment. She glanced at me and hugged me tightly as I rubbed her back to soothe her nerves. 

"Hey, guys we will be having a D-rank mission and it is going to be tough." Minato sensei said and we walked to the Hokage's tower to get our mission. 

Easy to describe it. 

It is VERY easy NOT!

Author POV

Emilia, Kakashi, Obito and Rin and not to forget Minato walked to the classroom. Emilia opened the door and walked in. "WHO ARE YOU?!" "I am Emilia and this my team and this my teammates. Your sensei is not coming today as he has a mission." "WOO HOO! No-" "There is still class." Emilia chirped happily. The students were crestfallen. 

"Roll call," Emilia said as she picked up the attendance booklet from the table. The class ignored her and continued their noisy state. Emilia clenched her fists and refrained from actually damaging the wall. "Kakashi, Obito bring me a stack of 20 bricks. They went to take it and placed it in front of her and scuttled away quickly. 

She punched the bricks and it shattered into pieces. The genins look at her and the pile of brick dust. They quietened down and went back to their seats with the same thought. She could Kill us. "Aya Kuto." Blah blah blah. (the author is too lazy.)

Timeskip to end of the day. Brought to you by the ultimate gravity-defying hair from Kakashi. 

So... the mission ended and to say it in a few words it was so silent and good everyone dared not to disobey her.                 

"HEY! GRAMPS/ LORD HOKAGE,  CAN WE GET A BETTER MISSION!" Emilia and Obito yelled.  Everyone plugged their fingers into their ears as they tried, they tried to block out the noise but who knew the sound tan travel in like waves and still could hear it really loudly. 

The Hokage who was tired of hearing them shout, agreed for them to take a B rank mission. "WOO HOO!" These two people, as you should know who they are shouted gleefully. They laughed and jumped and high fived and did a lot of crazy happy stuff you will do when you're excited. Like um... I don't know how to interpret that haha. 

ahem, back to the story... 

"We are going to guard a princess against Amegakure ninja's while on her way back to her homeland which is The Land of Hotsprings." they nodded enthusiastically and the door opened to reveal a girl with long, teal colour hair, red eyes and a blue dress, "My name is Rikoue Haruka. Nice to meet you," She curtsied. The Hokage handed Minato a scroll and they departed. 

Emilia packed some food, water, extra hoodie's and fishnet shirt and some arm warmers into her scroll and tucked it into her ninja pouch. She strapped her twin katana's on her back and a two small straps on both her upper arm that contains her black daggers. 

She held Obito's arm and they flashed to the entrance shocking Kakashi, Rin and the Princess. When Minato sensei arrived, they departed Konoha to the Land of Hotsprings. 

Emilia POV

The moment we stepped out of the village, I sensed 4 different chakra signatures following us. I looked around and saw movement in the trees next to me when a gloved hand shot out and grabbed me in a choke hold while the other hand covered my mouth to stop me from screaming. 

I lean to the front and hit the guy in the jaws backwards, I jumped back taking out both of my katana's and holding it in front of me. He charged at me with a kunai in his hand, "where is the princess?" He growled. Only the sound of metal hitting one another filled the air, "None of your importance!" I shouted as I ducked a blow to my neck and slashed his stomach. Distracted by the pain I focused chakra on my eyes and I can see his next few moves and calculated 100 ways to defeat him. 

He made handsigns and shouted, "Fire style, Great Fireball jutsu!" I used a jutsu and went underneath him. "Earth style, Headhunter jutsu!" I grabbed his leg and pulled him into the ground. "You mess with me this is what you get." I took my katana and slashed his chest in an 'x' and left him like that. 

I glanced down to see my hoodie soaked in blood on the right side. I lifted it up and immediately healed it with Mystical Palm. I tied bandages around it and then went to find the rest of our group. 

"Hi, guys!" I smiled and shouted. They turned to me Obito, teary-eyed. Rin heaving a sigh of relief and Kakashi being Kakashi. "What happened, why is there blood on your shirt?" Minato sensei asked. "Oh, this. Ran into some trouble and I killed them. Amegakure rogue ninja" I said with a grin on my face, I hummed and skipped next to the princess.

Obito POV
She just killed them. With like no remorse and not even a single drop of sweat and she is still LAUGHING! OMG just how not so innocent is she. 

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