Chapter 25: Decision Made (Part 1)

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"Hey to you people reading this crap! " "Shut up Emilia it's not crap! You are! " Emilia raised an eyebrow at Author who took a pen and waved it in her face. she rolled my eyes as I growled and threw a piece of crumpled paper and threw it at her head.

"So anyway..." Author pushed Emilia away and stared at the screen, "December is coming to an end a.k.a meaning our holidays are coming to an end soon and I am crying. But anyways... " "Move your butt! " "No! Your too fat Emilia!" and cue more pushing

So tell me when you guys end your school holidays and when you start and if you have any more holidays and yeah...  Thank you for reading this book! YuTingFang do you agree that our holidays are ending? If so how do you feel. 

Emilia POV 

After escaping from that hell hole... NO QUESTIONS ASKED I-we don't know too we just know that there was a flash of light and we are back in the alley. I guess it was a genjutsu huh... I waved goodbye to my sensei and my teammates and Kakashi and walked back home. I reached the door and noticed a black kunai sticking out of my walls with a note attached to it. 

I pulled out the kunai and took the note that fluttered onto the floor. I picked it up and read the messy but yet readable handwriting. I swallowed a lump of saliva in my throat and glanced around nervously before I walked into my house and read the message again. 

Dear Emilia, 

If you are reading this means I am alive and you are still alive which irks me. Your clan was never massacred! A few others still survived and I am one of them, I killed your mother and decided to go and take revenge on Konoha for not helping us! 

You will not tell the Hokage about it if you do the ones you love will be dead.


I clenched the piece of paper tightly in my hands as I looked at it once more and crumpled the piece of paper and threw it in the trashcan in frustration and lay on my bed as I stared at the ceiling. The door creaked open and I turned my head and saw Obito walking into the room, I looked at him and continued to stare at the ceiling. 

"Say Obito what would you say if I wanted to go rogue?" I asked him as he froze and looked at me in shock. "Why would you ask that!?" "Just answer the damn question Obito," I placed the back of my palm and covered my eyes and sighed deeply. "Well, you must have your reasons for going rogue and I will try to convince you to not go rogue..." He said uncertainly. 

I pulled the blankets over me as I turned over to not face Obito. I could feel a frown forming on his face and the door creaked softly as his footsteps faded away softly. I turned to look at the door and sighed sadly and my eyelids flutter closed. 


I hopped out of bed and looked outside Konoha and jumped out of the window and threw a rock at Obito's room from his open window and he screamed loudly and looked out of the window and stared outside curiously and went back to his room. I jumped out from my hiding spot, the bush, and snickered while walking to the weaponry store. 

I opened the glass panel door and my head popped out from behind the door, a huge grin plastered on my face, "So are you too an item...?" I asked mischievously as I whispered to the two. They looked at me incredulously, "An item with him/her!? NO THANKS!" They yelled at me and I held out both of my hands in mock surrender. 

"What about you and Kakashi?" I looked at Kurenai and gave her a raised eyebrow, "This topic is not on me and Kakashi is about you and Asuma!" I said in a British accent and they laughed and the store manager gave us a small glare. 

I waved to him and he deadpanned, "MR. YUU! NICE 'CHA TO SEE YOU OLD PAL!" he smiled slightly and yelled back, "EMILIA! NICE TO NOT SEE YOU!" I placed on my hands on my heart and faked sadness. We laughed heartily and Asuma and Kurenai stared at the both of us weirdly.

I waved my hand to shrug it off and we walked to find weapons when I saw a black katana with gold words on it that says, 'THOU SHALT NOT DIE' I find it cool and I got it for free and I thanked Mr Yuu so much that he got annoyed and ruffled my hair making me pout and glare at him with annoyance. 

He laughed it off and I waved goodbye to him and walked out with Kurenai when a loud scream was heard. The three of us turned to look at the place where the sound came from and we dashed towards that area. We ran to the gates of Konoha and saw an army of people with jet black hair raiding the village. When they saw me and stopped instinctively. 

"My daughter," I froze on my tracks and turned to see my father smiling at me with an outstretched hand. I hyperventilate as I saw his shaggy black hair on his face and a maniac smile was on his face. His fingers were knobbly and reeked of a smell of old man and blood. His grey eyes shone darkly as I remembered the face in the massacre with some other guy. 

I fell on the ground I shuffled backwards and smacked his hand away from my face. He frowned and took back his hand and I got up, "They say that the next in line to be Heir of the clan will be throned when the old one is dethroned." I looked at him with anger-filled eyes. "EMILIA!" I turned towards the yelling and saw the familiar shade of brown hair running towards me the Konoha headband shining brightly. 

"T-Takuya?" I whispered and he smiled and ruffled my hair and I gave him a sideways glare. When a sword flew towards us and Takuya got impaled in the stomach. "NO!" I looked up after my crying and saw Konoha in demise, houses burnt, my friends all dead and I am the only one standing. I sobbed and cried out, "NOOOOO" 


I flew out of bed with sweat dripping down my forehead as I looked at the note in the trashcan and about the future of Konoha. I got out of bed and remember the picture of how Takuya looks like in my dream, I set off to find him. I threw on my ninja sandals and flicked on my hood and jumped out of the window and landed on the ground softly. 

I ran into the crowd and pushed around masses of people when I saw the 60% discount sign on the clothes store and facepalmed. I looked around but found no one with that kind of facial features. I sighed as I walked into a dango shop as my stomach is growling. I ordered 7 sticks and the old lady smiled and handed me the plate. I gave her the money and she smiled pushed it towards me. 

"You remind me of my daughter, her love for dangos and the way you look and the way you dress," I smiled at her and she gave me a toothed smile, "Just accept this gift from me dear stranger." I smiled and thanked her and went to my seat and started chomping down on the dango in front of me. 

"Excuse me, can I sit here?" I looked up and saw the exact same guy in my dreams I nodded and he gave me a smile, "Thanks!" He pulled the seat from the table and sat on it and he saw my plate of heaven. "You remind me of my childhood friend that I used to hang out together, we would play games every day and every time when we go out she will order seven sticks of dango and gobble them up quickly." 

I gave him a weird look, why is everyone telling me their life stories to me? Do I look like a freaking philosopher? He glanced at me," But one afternoon when I went to find her to hang out, I saw bodies of dead bodies littered around and I was scared so I asked the guy to find a girl around your age with silver hair. But her body wasn't found and when I caught hold of the news I broke down. My best friend is gone forever." He spoke with sorrow that I could catch some tears falling out of his eyes.

"What are your best friends name?" I asked and he looked at me, "Emilia Argen." I wanted to burst in and yell 'HEY THAT'S ME!' but I couldn't. I averted my gaze from him and I whispered, "Takuya," he seemed to catch it and looked at me with shock in his eyes, "How do you know my name?" 

"Because...," I flicked off the hood hiding my hair colour and my face, "I am Emilia Argen." He blinked at me and I raised an eyebrow and after observing me for a while he asked, "What do you know... IT IS YOU!" I 'pfft' at the side and broke out in huge laughter while making sure no one gets disturbed. I walked towards him and punched him at the sides hardly and he winced and massaged his side. 

"You haven't changed a bit!" I looked down sadly and passed him the crumpled note from the dustbin and he read it and he frowned. "What's your decision, Emilia?" 

"My decision is..." 

Hah! Cliffhanger! Don't be mad at me and you will have to find out on the next chapter. 

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