Chapter 11: Jounin exams!! WAI!

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Emilia POV

I woke up early today and walked to Obito's room and pushed his door loudly hitting the wall. I walked in and saw pictures of Rin's face everywhere on his notice board thing. I cringed in disgust and walked to the half-awake Obito and grabbed his foot trying my best to not kill him by accident and dragged him down the stairs. Imagine how painful it was but it was the only way to wake him up without me going all HOO-HA on him and leaving scratch marks and a permanent scar on him. I stood at the last flight of stairs and deciding he was heavy, I decided to go all HOO-HA on him. I got a blanket and rolled him inside and threw him down the stairs. 

What a great way to start a morning. Plus, I did put in a helmet we wouldn't want him getting dumber than before he was. No offense Obito. I held up both my hands and walked past him glaring at me, the blankets still wrapped around him bound with those strong and itchy type rope used in outdoors. He wriggled in his 'cocoon' I made and my sound gradually turned from, me gritting my teeth, to snorting and then chuckles then giggles and LAUGHTER (I am sorry for all the word 'then' you see.) I rolled on the ground clutching my stomach and wiping the tears off my eyes. He glared at me a pink tint spreading across his face. 

I took a photo of him being a pathetic caterpillar. Caterpillars are so pathetic, I mean they just wriggle around every day and eat. Plus, easy lunch or dinner or breakfast or snack to catch they don't move. I cut the ropes and he struggled free, he tried to lounge on me to delete the file in my camera. Too bad for him, I run faster than him and I already have my sandals on when I cut the rope. He was stuck at the compound wearing his sandals. I looked back and saw him scrambling to put his sandals on. I looked back and pulled a funny face and dashed off, he fumed and really tried to catch me. 

I ran to the academy and saw Kakashi standing at the gate. "Kakashi! I have a real priceless photo to show to you!" I giggled and showed him the picture of Obito being a pathetic caterpillar. Kakashi looked at the picture and bursts out laughing, "This is priceless, later after the exams go get it printed and give me thanks!" He whisper-yelled to me. I nodded and high-fived him. We glanced at the time and it was near the end of the sign-up thing for Chunins who want to become Jounins. We smirked and walked off as the gates closed, signalling that no one else could enter the academy and disrupt them. Obito clung on to the metal railing of the doors huffing and panting to only find out a sign there. "NO OUTSIDERS ALLOWED." There was a moment of silence and sad screaming, I watched him sulk from the window nearby and gave a thumbs up to Kakashi. 

He genuinely smiled and gave me a thumbs up. I grinned back and walked to our seats to do the written test. U have enough if written test! Written test as a genin, written test again in the chunin exams and now the jounin Exams. Damn you whoever invented a written test, my pencil flew speedily on my paper and I finished it the same time as Kakashi and we left the exam room. I sat outside playing with my fingers awaiting the result. I glanced up and saw the results on the noticeboard. I walked there and saw it, RANK #1: Kakashi and Emilia! We both tied at first. I jumped at where I was and trotted happily and did my happy dance. We went to a stadium to fight and yadda yadda. I was mentally praying I don't do it with Kakashi cause he might get me killed. I prayed as the scoreboard flashed our names, Emilia versus














Kakashi! ARGHHHH! I grabbed my hair and hit my head on the wall before going down sulkily lamenting about my misfortune. I sighed as I got into a stance, I turned to see the people around the stadium. Most of them were feudal lords which means that if either Kakashi or I win it would just be that MEH. "Go!" The guy signaled. I pulled the cord on my red glove and blood gushed out and then hardened turning into a sword. I charged at Kakashi and he dodged my first blow, I smirked and flipped back missing his sword which was near my abdomen about 1 cm. He was in front of me when he realized his fatal mistake, Never let an enemy go behind you. His eyes widen as my face was laced with an evident smirk, He turned to me wide-eyed as I slashed him, blood spurted out and was quickly and skillfully subdued with a substitution jutsu.

"Tch..." I gritted my teeth as I scanned around the area for his presence. I looked up not there, the sides... No... That means UNDER! I jumped up just as his hand appeared from underneath. I should have known... Headhunter jutsu. I swung my sword in front of me and placed the sharp point of the sword and stuck it on the ground. I landed on the hilt of the sword and back-flipped pulling my sword out at the same time and striking Kakashi scratching him on his arm. We stayed away from each other as we said in tune, "Let see who is faster." We nodded and we ran nicking each other arm. I attached a paper bomb to my kunai and threw it on the ground, "Katsu! (Explode!)" I formed the tiger sign and the paper bomb exploded, smoke covered the entire ground and since coming back, I developed better skills for assassination. 

I stood in the shadows and made hand signs, "Dark style: Lurking in the shadows." The shadows slid to Kakashi silently and blended with his shadow, I smirked internally as the shadow rose up higher and jabbed him in his butt. I laughed to myself quietly and I made applied light chakra to my sword, small beams of light formed around my sword the clicking sound of the switch buzzed in the quiet clearing. I ran to him and he blocked my attack the light chakra on my sword trailed downwards striking him with a fuzzy and numb feeling. I threw another paper bomb and distanced myself from the fight, that was when I heard birds chirping. 

My eyes widen at the sound, the smoke cleared and Kakashi was right in front of me, a ball of chakra in his hands. "Chidori." I was too stunned to move when I saw that mass of chakra in his arms, I stared wide-eyed as the ball of chakra goes through my heart. Lucky I was taller, his hand shot a little below my heart. 

Kakashi POV

I was at my last straw. I decided to use Chidori. I gathered the chakra in my hand and ran to her, expecting her to move away because she was smart. But she didn't. Her eyes were wide as saucers still in a daze. Chidori allows me to run faster than usual and I couldn't slow down, my hand went right through her heart. My eyes widen as she gave me a slight smiled, her blood splattering on my arm guard. She fell forward in front of me lifeless, I shook my head repeatedly refusing to accept the fact she was killed by me. Tears cascaded down my face as it left marks on my mask. "Medic! Medic! Help!" I cried. I hugged her lifeless body crying into her shoulder, her clothes have a big tear stain there. 

The medic arrived with a stretcher as they tried to stop her from losing any more blood, I cried as I sat next to her beside her bed with a blood pack attached an IV drip with a heart monitor beeping in the background. I sat there holding her hand every day hoping she would wake up, I would glance at the monitor occasionally and see her heartbeat in small ups and downs. I was scared I will lose her.  

I did not want that to happen. 

Me: It is finally the end *CRYING and throwing tissues to one side*
Kakashi: NO!
Me: Curse you Kakashi.
Kakashi: I'm Sorry!
Me: Sorry won't cut it! 

Obito and me: uh... don't forget to 






Rin and Obito with Minato: Ja Ne~

Kakashi: Ow! Stop! Ow!

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