chapter 9: Sports day 1

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(Might contain a bit of cussing)
3rd POV

"I am gonna be first today Emilia!"
"Dream on forever." Emilia cracked her knuckles as the two continued their argument of who is going to win tomorrow the previous two weeks AGAIN. "Go!" We left a trail of smoke behind us as we dashed to the finish line, the Hokage's Mountain on the second's head. 

They ran past Kakashi again and he was left eating the dust as he stared at the two competitive figure in the distance. He sighed and walked to the academy. "FIRST again Uchiha." Emilia laughed as a crestfallen Obito sat on one side sulking as Emilia laughed loudly.

Emilia glanced at her wrist watch and saw the time, 9.58 a.m. almost to their meeting time at the academy. "ACK! Obito let's go!" I grabbed his wrist and we shunshin to the meeting place. "I swear to God Emilia you have an iron grip for a girl like you. " Obito said shaking his wrist furiously. That was when he realised he said the wrong words to her. "I dare you to repeat it again Obito..." A dark aura surrounded her, as she cracked her knuckles, her hair flying everywhere like Kushina's when she is mad.

Obito turned to face her slowly. It was not long when his screams filled the silent academy scaring Kakashi and Ron who was walking there. "Hope that taught you a lesson, yes? " Obito nodded so quickly it looks like his head will drop off any time. Emilia dusted off imaginary dust off her hand and walked off with a bruised Obito laying behind.

Emilia walked off and left him there at the front gates, and she meeting up with the teammates already

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Emilia walked off and left him there at the front gates, and she meeting up with the teammates already. Obito rubbed his bruised wrist and the bump at the back of his head. Obito groaned in pain and walked to the meeting place.

Obito saw Emilia sitting there with a playful smile and pulled a funny face at him, "Bleh." Obito got angry and attempted to chase her around."Like you can with your speed. Losing to a girl two times, HOW PATHETIC." Emilia taunted and made a barrier jutsu with raw chakra and blocked off Obito's contact with her. The moment Obito touches the barrier,  his hand burnt because it was a mass of solid raw chakra.

"WHAT THE HELL!" Obito shouted and shook his hand. Emilia looked at his palm and saw the large burn on his hand.  "OMIGOD! I AM SO SORRY HOLY SHIT. FUCK!" Emilia yelled as the chakra around her hands turned green and healed the burn on Obito's hand.

The team sweatdropped at Emilia's outburst but shouldnt they be used to it already right? NOT. "Today is sports day and I want you guys to compete as a team... " Minato sensei said happily and gave us the list listing down all the sports event today for sports day. "Yes! Basketball!" Obito exclaimed, "NO why is the world so fucking cruel to me! Why is there BASEBALL.

"Yes! There is racing. You're so going down bitches hehehehehe.... " Emilia cackled. Kakashi mumbled to himself,  "How did I ever fell in love with her..." Emilia looked at them and grabbed Kakashi and Obito and Rin's hands and dragged them to the destination. Wait...  Typo it is not hands more like shirt collar. Yes.

Continuing on...  They arrived there the earliest all because Emilia dragged them there with a transportation jutsu,  now they are barfing and puking and turning green. Emilia sighed at them and they assembled at the field. "First one is foot race. You will send a member to compete, first to reach will obviously win. " Team Kakashi chose Emilia,  Team Gained chose Gains blah blah blah. They stood at the starting line mark and crouched down in running position, the sensei at the side was holding a horn"START! BUUUUUUUUUU! " The chosen ones (lol, chosen ones) dashed off to the 600m finish point and they looked back because they expect her to be the slowest being a girl. (Sexist Alert!) They turned to look in front and saw the girl running in front casually, and moving so fast she was also reading a book.

The boys jaws dropped and touched the ground that was when Emilia looked back,  "WHAT YOU LOOKING AT STARING IS FUDGING RUDE BRUH RUN! " She yelled and dashed to the finish line. She found the finish line and ran slowly to her (Which means hella fast). She crossed the finish line and grabbed the ribbon which was in half. "Hellooo I wonnn where is my prizeeeee?" Emilia exclaimed waving the torn ribbon and waving it all over the place. The people sweatdropped at her attitude but Team 7 was happy,  "WOOOHOOO EMILIA." Obito shouted and ran up to her and hugged the life out of her. "Idiot stop can't you see her soul floating out of her mouth. "Ah! I'm so sorry sorry on shittt. "

So to put on simple terms well we won...  It isn't that dramatic though, Kakashi thought and the members glared at him for the dramatic part.

Chapter 10. Sports day 2

Me: Kakashi do the thing...  I forgot what it is called though. Nah, I don't care.

Kakashi: Hyaku does not own Naruto and she hopes she does because she will write about Naruto being goddamn smart and surpassing me. I do not want it.

Me: Lol. Haha. My good traits. Learn from me. I is good role model(excuse the broken English)

Obito: Ferrrr sureeeeeeeeee

Naruto: Anyways,









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