Chapter 4 (Part 3)

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This chapter will be only Emilia POV and her clones.

I hear clapping sound and turned to see.
A guy with red hair and steel cold eyes. A smile on his pale complexion. I stared at him and blinked a few times and said the first thing that came out of my mouth was,  "Who are you? " Wow, Emilia a great way to start meeting new people yah. He rolled his eyes at me. I stared at him and said, "Stop! you're eyeballs Imma stuck there and you can see your brain. Unless you have one."

I rolled on the ground laughing my ass off. I was clutching my stomach and wiping off stray tears from the corner of my eyes. He stared at me with a WTF face. I stared at him and said,  "My name is she who shall not be named. " He stared at me with a deadpanned expression. "what? never heard of such a fabulous name before? Stop staring I know I am beautiful and you ain't" HE JUST GOT SASSED! 






"I AM NOT A MIRROR" Sassed again! Emilia 1 point. Random nobody 0 points.







We growled at each other and glared daggers. If looks can kill, he would be lying in his own pool of blood and I will be there glaring at him and he dies and then BOOM! K.Oed. I laughed evilly at this thought and he backed away slowly as I flashed him a crazy smile.

"I am Lucifer." I looked at him and shooed him away. Well, it doesn't hurt to try. I shooed him away as he gained an irk mark. "I will call you, You see fur. Hmm... Kudos to me!" I pointed at him and sassed off. I walked off and sat in a random place of my mindscape and be like, waiting for brother and mother to come back here.

While waiting for them I paced around and saw another door in my mindscape. I opened the door to reveal a red and white checkered floor and black walls. The room was dark as I fumbled for a control to switch on the light. I found a switch and the room brightened, my eyes widened as I opened it. Blood stains were everywhere my heart beat faster. I walked in to see a red-haired girl with dull blue eyes, her eyes were laced with insanity. She was wearing a black and red frilly dress.  

I walked back as I looked at her, she was covered in blood as heavy metal chains held her down as she was seated on a wooden chair. I shakily asked her, "Who are you?" She didn't answer back. "T-tell me." I pushed her the pressure of telling me. "You will know when the time comes." She answered dryly. I closed the door as I plopped in front of my living room my eyes still filled with fear. I covered my eyes hoping to erase it, the fear. 

I shakily stood up and walked to another door, I opened it and saw a field of flowers. I smiled and walked in. I took in the beautiful scenery and forgot about the part of the girl. I ran around the field until a dark shadow loomed over. The part where the shadow was all the flowers wilted. I ran out of and slammed the door closed. I hugged my knees as tears flowed out from my eyes in rivulets.

"EMILIA! " I opened my now azure blue eyes as I looked around and saw the worried faces of my teammates and I was in Konoha's hospital, I looked at the date and saw it, I have been out for 1 week. I looked at them as pictures rushed into me, my pupils dilated and I almost lost control. I opened my eyes to see the checkered floor and looked at her. "I am YOU Emilia Argens. The shadow is your curse." I have a monster in me. 

I looked at them and backed away, " No... Don't touch me." I lifted up my sleeve on the left and saw a seal blazing red searing into my skin. Minato sensei looked shocked and came over to me, I backed away from them. "Don't" 

I looked at them as I inch away slowly, I ran out of the hospital and into Konoha's forest. I sat there and clutched my head as the few thoughts ran through my mind, I am a monster, I am harbouring a monster. 

No wonder they say that the monster within is always the scariest. 

Me: Haizz, Sorry for the short chapter. This is a... *Turns to Kakashi* IT IS JUST A FILLER RIGHT?!

Kakashi: Yeah

Me: YES! sorry for the shortness. That is not a word I know. 

Minato: She does not own Naruto. She only owns Emilia Argens 

Me: TT.TT *Cries silently*. ANYHOW, (ARE YOU BIPOLAR!?) ENjoy this lousy story. 

Obito: Remeber to vote, follow and comment

Rin: Ja ne~

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