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Welcome to the final season of Total Drama Minecraft. As you can see by the title, this season's contestants will be the All Stars of the past four seasons.

I'm not going to bother with the "basics of Total Drama" bs that usually begins these books. If you're here, you know how the show works.

This book is co-written by three of us. Author's notes written by me (@Radishologist) will be normal text.

Author's notes written by Rebel (Rocknrebel44) will be bold.

Author's notes written by Thomas (ThomasPaul61) will be GAY

They will now speak.

*they speak*

*we speak*

Hi I'm Thomas and you're watching Disney Channel

Hey so those of you who know us (the bulk being on kik) most likely know all three of us are terrible with updating schedules, so you might be expecting us to be even worse on this book. But with our powers combined, we will do what hasn't been done in a long time...
u p d a t e  o n  a  n o r m a l  s c h e d u l e

So yeah anyway this time we're even more motivated to finish this book since we're all seniors in high school and we wanna finish this before college.

With that being said... have fun reading this you nerds

So yes. We hope you all enjoy The End of Total Drama Minecraft: All Stars.

Thanks for reading, and don't forget to vote, comment, and follow!


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