Episode 1 Part 2

729 31 254

Heroic Horses (12): Ender, Moolissa, Sno, Jesse, Silvester, Chloe, Mucus, Cocoa, Mite, Pola, Mag, Kain

Villainous Villagers (12): Ron, Jack, Creep, Jamey, Agatha, Porky, Zupay, Mooshie, Zombieswine, Ory, Joe, Ech


Joe's Confessional (VV)

"Oh boy, I can't wait for this! They even named our team after me! That means I'm gonna win, right?"


Zombieswine's Confessional (VV)

"Jack is really annoying. I need to either get rid of him or control him soon."


Jack's Confessional (VV)

"Zombieswine is really annoying. I need to either get rid of him or control him soon."


Agatha's Confessional (VV)



Herobrine stood in front of the contestants. "I'll let you all talk amongst each other for a few minutes, since a lot of you have probably never met before."

"Yeah, who are you?" Joe asked Ender.

Ender sighed.

"You didn't forget to prepare the challenge, did you?" Mite questioned the host.

Herobrine scoffed. "Never, in all my years, have I been so insulted!" He vanished without answering.

Mite sighed.

"Hey," Mucus said to Kain, who was sitting by himself.

The wolf scrutinized the slime. "Hi."

"I watched last season. I saw what happened between you and Chloe," Mucus said. "The same thing happened between me and Mag during season two. We were happy together, but then she suddenly dumped me."

"For a completely different reason," Kain scoffed, looking away from him. "I watched that season. It wasn't your fault she dumped you. You were being possessed by Wither. I wasn't being possessed. I was just a major jerk."

Mucus was silent for a few seconds. Then, "She still rejected me after I explained it wasn't me. So we've had similar experiences. Anyway, I just want to let you know I'm here if you ever need someone to talk to. Someone who understands."

"Thanks," Kain said, looking at the slime. "Where are your eyes? I want to know where to look when I'm talking to you."

"I don't have arms, so I can't point to them," Mucus replied.

"Me neither," Creep said.

Kain and Mucus jumped.

"How long have you been standing there?" Kain asked.

Creep started whistling and walked away.

Zupay and Agatha were still in their heated conversation.

"Even if Zombee was an idiot, our child is smart enough not to kill himself," Zupay tried to reason with his wife.

Agatha argued back, "He's two, Zupay! Two! He's partially got your brains, so clearly he could hurt himself!"

"Well, that's just a low blow."

"You need to go home." Agatha hissed at him. She then turned toward the other mobs and raised her voice. "Everyone vote Zupay!"

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