Author's Final Note

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Before I begin, I'd like to let you all know that sometime this week I will be posting an author's note at the end of "A Minecraft Story" with some very important information regarding my account. Don't worry if you haven't read AMS, it's not related to the story at all.

Now onto this author's note.


It's finally over.

Okay I've said that at the end of like all my books and it's getting old lmao

We officially began this book on February 23, 2019.

We officially finished this book on February 23, 2020.

And by that second "we", I mean "I".

In case you skipped the fun facts (D:<), Thomas and Rebel stopped helping co-write this book at some point, and I was left to finish it on my own. I don't blame them, as life gets to be a bit much sometimes and writing a Minecraft/Total Drama fanfiction isn't always something one can prioritize. And I'm not mad at them either, the two of them are still my very best friends in the whole world and we still talk to each other every day. Plus, I enjoyed taking this book on by myself to develop the storylines I wanted to go with.

Thomas and Rebel still helped with ideas all the way until the end of this book. And this book would probably not have been finished (or even started) if it weren't for their help. That is why I've still been signing all the chapters with "~RocknRadishEngines", as this book would not be where it is today if it weren't for my wonderful co-writers.

So yeah, ThomasPaul61 and Rocknrebel44, whenever you eventually read this, thank you for helping me with this book, I love you guys <3

Anyway, this book took exactly one year to finish.

Season one took 3 months to finish.

Season two took 7 months to finish.

Season three took 5 months to finish.

Season four took 24 months to finish (lol).

Season five took 12 months to finish.

Overall, it took about 51 months to finish this series. Which is about four years and three months, but I did take breaks in between some of the seasons so that's not entirely accurate.

I started this series in June of 2015, and it's now February of 2020. Which is also about four years and three months, so idk what I was talking about a paragraph ago.

The point is: this series is officially over. This shouldn't come as a surprise, as Herobrine and I both mentioned this was the final season several times throughout the book, and also it was called "The End of Total Drama Minecraft: All Stars."

I'm really happy I got to write a final, all-star season, as there was a time when I didn't think that was going to be possible. But it happened, and having both the monster and animal contestants interact with each other was one of my favorite things to write. Not to mention the time traveling back to the past finales, that was really fun as well.

The End of Total Drama Minecraft: All StarsWhere stories live. Discover now