The 10th Anniversary of Minecraft

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Okay so first off, hi. Long time no see? Yeah. I know we haven't updated in a long time. Our fault. There's really no excuse besides the fact that we're all busy finishing up high school. In fact, today was my last school day of high school ever. Idk about the other two.

But this chapter isn't about our personal lives. It's about Minecraft!

Today marks 10 years since Minecraft was released. And as lame as this may sound, this game has had a major impact on my life.

For one thing, without Minecraft, I wouldn't be writing this right now. I would not have thought of writing any of my books. My Wattpad account probably wouldn't even exist.

I wouldn't have gone through the incredible journey of writing my multiple book series. If you go back to the early chapters of AMS, you can tell how much I've changed since then. And I don't think I would've gone through such a radical transformation without writing my books.

I also wouldn't have met all the people that I've met online, since my Wattpad account wouldn't have existed. Everyone I've become friends with on Kik, mutuals on Wattpad, and my two best friends would not have met me. 

So, I have to give a big thank you to Minecraft. Notch (the real person) doesn't know who I am, and doesn't even own Minecraft anymore. But without his amazing creation of the video game Minecraft, I wouldn't be where I am or who I am today.

And besides just impacting me, Minecraft has entertained millions of kids around the world. It was released ten years ago, but it's still going strong. Minecraft is probably one of the least-hated video games of all time. It will probably go down in history as a timeless classic.

This whole chapter feels silly to write. I'm literally graduating high school in a few weeks, and here I am gushing about how much I love Minecraft, lmao. I haven't even played it in a long tine. Apparently the new update changed all the textures though, which I probably won't like because I don't like change.

But anyway, since I'm here, I'm gonna share how I got into Minecraft and my journey to this point.

I first learned about Minecraft when I was in sixth grade, which was 2012, three(ish) years after it was released. One of the guys I hung out with all the time (who moved away and I haven't seen or talked to since) would sometimes play Minecraft Pocket Edition on his Kindle Fire during class. Seeing him build and mine and fight monsters piqued my interest, and I started to ask him to play it more often so I could watch. I remember one time he got in trouble for playing in English class, lmao.

Eventually I asked my parents if I could get my own tablet to play Minecraft on. At first they said no, but my mom downloaded the demo version on her phone. If you don't know, the demo version of Minecraft doesn't let you save anything, so every time you close and reopen the app you have to start over. I still thought it was fun, though.

For Christmas (I think), my parents downloaded Pocket Edition on my dad's Kindle Fire because I kept pestering them about it. I began playing that all the time. Eventually my little brother got into it too, and we both spent as much time as possible playing on the Kindle.

When I was in seventh grade, which was 2013, my parents got me my own tablet to play Minecraft on. I think my little brother got his own that same year (I'm not sure tho), and also got Minecraft. We started playing on the same world on Pocket Edition.

After this my memory gets a little fuzzy. We purchased Minecraft for the PC at some point, probably the next year. We also got an Xbox 360 at some point, and got Minecraft on there, too. Those both must have happened between seventh and the first half of eighth grade (2014), because I started writing AMS in February of 2015.

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