Episode 21

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"Last time on The End of Total Drama Minecraft: All Stars, the deadly virus Null finally showed up to destroy the world after several episodes of foreshadowing. Firstly, he killed me and sent Wither to kill the final six in the End. While five of the contestants tried fighting Wither off—Agatha using a super suit she had been secretly constructing for the entire season—Ech went and got the Ender Dragon to kill Wither for them. Unfortunately, Null then destroyed the End, with five of the final six barely escaping with their lives. Kain, however, sacrificed himself to save Chloe and the others.

"Secondly, the final five arrived on the loser island resort and decided to try to resurrect me so that I could kill Null for them. Moolissa's father, who resurrected Notch during season three, told the mobs how to resurrect a god, which was a very complicated process. The final five went to the Nether to retrieve an ingredient they needed, but Null was down there. The virus destroyed the Nether too, but not before four of the final five escaped. Chloe sacrificed her life to save the others after finally realizing that she did, in fact, love the now-dead Kain.

"Thirdly, when the final four returned to the Overworld, Ech finally had had enough of his whole "not being noticed" thing. He asked Null to possess him so he could get his revenge on the contestants for ignoring him, and then fought the rest of the final four. Ory, who was having trouble getting the Killer Bunny to come back out for the past couple episodes, heroically decided to drink a potion that would make her the Killer Bunny forever so they could have a chance fighting Ech. While Agatha began the process of resurrecting me and Ory battled Ech, the knocked-unconscious-by-Ech Sno learned that the key to defeating Null was with the power of love during her dream. With the help of Ron trying to validate Ech in the real world, Sno managed to knock Null out of the tiny bat by recalling loving memories of her and Ron. Of course, now that Null was out of Ech, he destroyed the entire resort's mansion, creating a crater that would be a convenient place for an epic final battle.

"Fourthly, the rest of the loser contestants were trapped in an underground bunker because of the destroyed mansion, but they wanted to help Sno fight Null. One call to Endie from Zombieswine later, and Sno had an entire army to back her up to fight Null. All of the previous contestants showed up to fight—except for Wither, Kain, and Chloe, of course. I also was finally brought back from the dead, but Null decided to resurrect Notch too so I would have something to do. An epic final battle ensued between the TDM mobs and Null and his clones. I eventually killed Notch with the help of a group of past contestants, but in the end, Null still almost succeeded at destroying the Overworld, too. The only thing that stopped him was Ech sacrificing his life to push the doomsday device out of the world, and the final three and I using the power of love to destroy Null with an awesome beam of light.

"Fifthly, I brought back everything that Null had destroyed and also resurrected everyone that died except for Ech, who chose to remain dead to complete his emotional character arc. That was quite a long recap, but now we're finally back to normal challenges. It's the final three! Which two mobs will make it to the final episode of the Total Drama Minecraft series? Find out right now, on The End of Total Drama Minecraft: All Stars!" Herobrine said.

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Remaining Contestants (3): Sno, Agatha, Ory

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Sno sat on her bed in the girls' room of the heroes' old cabin in the End. Although the show sucked a lot of the time, she somehow missed this bed.

Agatha was on a bed on the other side of the room. Ory had taken the guys' old room to herself.

"So she's gonna be the Killer Bunny forever now?" Sno asked.

Agatha nodded. "Back when I had ulterior motives, I made a potion that would make her killer forever. Ory drank it so that she could fight back against Null. There's no bringing her back now."

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