Episode 16

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"Last time on The End of Total Drama Minecraft: All Stars, the mobs traveled back to 1.12 to battle an illusioner, a type of illager that can only be spawned in using commands. Agatha was about to kill the illusioner and win the challenge when Creep blew up and killed them both, accidentally taking the win and immunity for himself. Pola finally decided to give up on Mite, and got enough votes to get the possessive endermite eliminated. Only eight remain. What crazy challenge will the mobs do today? Find out right now, on The End of Total Drama Minecraft: All Stars!" Herobrine said.

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Remaining Contestants (8): Sno, Chloe, Pola, Kain, Creep, Agatha, Ory, Ech

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Ory hopped out of the girls' room of the cabin and into the common room. Creep was sitting on one of the chairs.

"Sup," he greeted her.

"Sno and Pola are both staring at walls and Chloe is reading a book, so I came out here," Ory replied.

"Where's Agatha?" Creep asked.

The rabbit shrugged. "Wasn't there all night."



Creep's Confessional

"What and where is that witch hiding?"


Ech and Kain were alone in the guys' room. Kain was reading a book, but eventually looked up.

"Man, Creep and I are really the only guys left on this show. The girls are gonna take us out," the wolf muttered to himself.

Ech raised an eyebrow.


Ech's Confessional

"Wait, I thought I was over the whole not-getting-noticed thing. So why did Kain just forget about my existence?"


Agatha was alone in the abandoned cabin of the villains. She had several brewing stands in front of her and was currently mixing potions together.

She poured one potion into another, then placed it in the brewing stand. She poured in some gunpowder, then waited a few seconds.

A small pop was heard. The witch lifted the potion out of the brewing stand and peered inside.

The liquid was a fiery red, and steam was coming out from the top. Agatha grinned.


Agatha's Confessional

"Finally, the potion is complete."


"Challenge time!" Herobrine announced. He snapped his fingers, and the eight remaining mobs appeared in front of him. "We're almost done with the different versions of Minecraft! Today, we're going back to 1.13!"

He snapped his fingers again, and reality distorted around the mobs as time was warped around them.

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They reappeared on an iceberg mostly made of blue ice. There were three other similar icebergs nearby. Herobrine appeared in front of them, standing on the ice with them instead of floating like usual.

"1.13 was the Aquatic Update, but we did a challenge with all the underwater stuff near the end of last season, so we're not doing that again," Herobrine said.

The End of Total Drama Minecraft: All StarsWhere stories live. Discover now