Episode 18

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Herobrine stopped abruptly and looked at the mobs, then into the air. Thick black smoke started to pour out from his mouth, ears, and eyes. It billowed into the air. The mobs gazed at it in terror.

The smoke formed into a single human being the same shape as Herobrine. It opened its eyes, which were glowing white.

Herobrine's body went limp and fell over the edge of the island, into the void of the End.

The floating figure looked at the six mobs in turn. It focused on Sno, who was frozen in horror.

"I am null," the figure spoke, but its voice didn't seem to be coming from it. It emanated from everywhere at once.

The mobs looked around at each other, shock plastered on their faces.

"You will all be null, too."

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Remaining Contestants (6): Sno, Chloe, Kain, Agatha, Ory, Ech

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Null floated before the six contestants without a word. The mobs were so terrified they didn't speak. Herobrine was nowhere to be seen, as his unconscious body had fallen over the edge of the island and into the void of the End.

The smoky being floated forwards until it was right in front of Chloe. The ocelot backed away slightly, uncertain of what was happening.

Null moved down the line of mobs without a word, stopping in front of each of them, its glowing white eyes piercing into theirs. When it came to Sno, she started hyperventilating in terror.

The being floated back up to its original position over the void. It continued to stare at them.

"What do you want?!" Kain finally yelled.

"I have searched each of your memories," Null began, its voice coming from all around them. "To find a common fear."

Chloe and Kain glanced at each other warily.

"I have found something dangerous that you have all faced at a point in your meaningless lives. I will let it deal with you while I handle more important matters."

Null raised its arms, and smoke began to swirl around it. Something began to materialize from the smoke. When the figure was unmistakable, all six mobs gasped.


The three-headed figure finished materializing. The three heads looked around, confused.

"Huh? Where am I?" the middle head asked.

"I thought we were dead!" the left head exclaimed.

"I wish we still were," the right head muttered.

"Oh, it's just Jerry, Larry, and Barry," Agatha said to the others. "We can reason with them."

Null pointed at Wither, and smoke rushed into the boss. The three heads cried out in pain for a second, but were then silenced. They opened their eyes, and without a word, flew towards the contestants.

Wither fired a projectile at the six mobs, and they dove out of the way to avoid getting injured.

"Never mind," Agatha called.

Null disappeared with a loud crack. Wither floated towards the mobs.

"What do we do?!" Sno shouted.

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