Episode 9

436 20 116

"Last time on The End of Total Drama Minecraft: All Stars, the mobs traveled to 1.5 to do redstone! Mag was split into Maglets for some reason, and one of them told Mucus that Mag was lying about having a boyfriend. A bromance between Jack and Zombieswine was starting to bloom, but it was ruined when Jack accidentally broke the villains' redstone, causing them to vote him out. What crazy challenge will the mobs do today? Find out right now, on The End of Total Drama Minecraft: All Stars!" Herobrine said.

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Heroic Horses (8): Ender, Sno, Chloe, Mucus, Mite, Pola, Maglets [Margaret, Margo, Marge], Kain

Villainous Villagers (8): Ron, Creep, Agatha, Porky, Mooshie, Zombieswine, Ory, Ech

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Zombieswine sat on one of the End towers, looking into the void of the End. He sighed.

Someone sat down next to him. The zombie pigman groaned and turned to see who it was.

It was an enderman.

Zombieswine started to scream, but stopped. The enderman was looking out into the void.


"Hey, Zombieswine," the enderman replied with a smile.

"What are you doing here?" Zombieswine asked.

Endie shrugged. "I've been watching the show and I saw last episode. I wanted to see how you were doing."

Zombieswine scoffed. "I'm doing great. Why wouldn't I be?"

The enderman smiled and shrugged. "Why haven't you come to visit? I haven't seen you in a few years."

"I was gonna, but I got killed by some bunny with an axe."

"Oh right, they visited the Nether in season three and Ory killed you. Herobrine didn't revive you?" Endie asked.

Zombieswine shook his head. "Herobrine didn't realize I was dead until a couple weeks before this season." He paused. "Wait, are you saying the rabbit that's on this show killed me?"

"Yeah. Ory."

The pigman laughed. "She's way too nice! The rabbit that killed me was mean and had red eyes. That's definitely not her."

Endie shrugged again. "So do you miss Jack?"

"Psh. No. I'm glad that idiot is gone!"

"Zombieswine, we talked about this. You don't need to act tough around me, remember?"

The pigman sighed. "Fine. Yeah, I miss him. He was like me, ya know? Acted all mean for two seasons and nobody liked him."

"Yeah, I can see that," Endie replied. "You and him had a lot in common."

"And now he's gone. He was the closest thing to a friend I ever had on one of these shows." Zombieswine pouted.


"I said on one of these shows. We became friends after season two."

"Fair enough."

Zombieswine sighed again and leaned his head on Endie's arm. "What do I do?"

The End of Total Drama Minecraft: All StarsWhere stories live. Discover now