Episode 1 Part 1

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In a dark dimension with a dark atmosphere, there was a giant island made of end blocks. It held numerous purpur and endstone brick buildings that were connected to each other by bridges, each branching out from one structure that touched the ground and shot upward. The End city was silent. No life was detectable.

But then, a being appeared in the middle of it. He looked around.

"Told you I'd be back," Herobrine said, then cleared his throat. "Welcome to the fifth and final season of Total Drama Minecraft! We invited twenty-four of the best competitors from the past four seasons to join us for one last chance at one million emeralds. These mobs are the toughest, smartest, and most dramatic contestants from the past four years. Let's see who will be joining us this season."

He snapped his fingers, and an End portal appeared in front of him. A few seconds later, a villager flew out of the portal and hit the ground. He lay facefirst on the purpur blocks, and didn't get up.

"Uh, Joe?" Herobrine asked.

A muffled voice came from the villager. Herobrine sighed and snapped his fingers. Joe became magically upright.

"Herobrine!" the villager exclaimed happily. "I've missed you so much!" He ran over and tried to hug Herobrine. Herobrine teleported out of the way. Joe ran into a wall. "Ow."

"I missed you too, Joe," Herobrine said in a deadpanned tone. "Let's see who else will be joining us."

A polar bear came through the portal with a big smile on her face. "Hey, Herobrine! I'm excited to be back!"

"AHHH! A TALKING POLAR BEAR!" Joe screamed. He tried to run away and collided with the wall again. He fell on his back, his eyes opened and staring straight ahead at the sky.

"Hi, Pola," Herobrine replied. "Are you gonna choose winning this season over saving your friends this time?"

Pola shrugged. "Well, both Wilbur and Stella decided not to join this season, so I'm gonna make some new friends."

"That's not what I asked, but okay," Herobrine said. "Next mob!"

A creeper came through the portal. "Sup Herobrine? Long time, no see."

Joe glanced up. He then screamed, "AHHH! A TALKING CREEPER!" He took a second to get up, brushed himself off, then ran into the wall again and fell again.

"We were literally on two seasons together, Joe," the creeper said.

"Hello, Creep," Herobrine said. "It's been a few years, hasn't it? I see you still don't have arms."

Creep sighed. He walked over to the other mobs, glancing at Pola as he did so.

"Who's next?!" Herobrine called out.

Nobody came out of the portal.

"Come on, guys, I don't feel like firing anyone yet." Herobrine complained.

"I'm here." Suddenly, a bat appeared next to Herobrine. "I've been here the whole time."

"Oh, hey Ech," Herobrine said. "Still unnoticeable, I see. Maybe that'll come in handy again."

Ech shrugged. He went to hover next to the others.

"Next one!"

A small ender dragon flew out of the portal. He looked at the host.

"First the Overworld, then the Nether, now the End? Very original, Herobrine."

"Why thank you, Ender," Herobrine replied.

Ender flew over to the other contestants. He glanced at Pola. "Animals, huh? Didn't know you guys could talk."

"Says the dragon," Ech spoke up. Ender jumped when the bat spoke.

The End of Total Drama Minecraft: All StarsWhere stories live. Discover now