Episode 22

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"Last time on The End of Total Drama Minecraft: All Stars, the final three contestants competed in the Future Triathlon! First, they had to steal future honey from future bees; then, they had to climb a future mountain with future snowier snow; and finally, they had to steal future golden armor from future piglins in future Nether biomes. Ory was stuck as the perma-Killer Bunny because of Agatha's potion during the Null battle, but the cheery bunny somehow managed to retake control of herself just as she finished the triathlon. Ory and Sno won the challenge, causing Agatha to be eliminated. It's the finale! Who will win, Sno or Ory? Find out right now, on the epic series finale of The End of Total Drama Minecraft: All Stars!" Herobrine said.

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Final Contestants: Sno and Ory

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Ory was sleeping in the guys' old room of the cabin. However, she was tossing and turning in her sleep.

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The Killer Bunny looked around at the darkness she had woken up in.

"Oh, no you don't," the red-eyed rabbit growled. She charged into the darkness with a yell.

✯    ~    ✯    ~    ✯    ~    ✯    ~    ✯

Ory gasped and sat straight up in bed. She paused as she realized she was still herself, and let out a deep breath.

"Oh no. I'm not rid of her yet," the bunny murmured to herself. "She's trying to come back out!"


Ory's Confessional

"I'm super happy to be in the finale. But if the Killer Bunny comes back during the challenge and ruins my chances of winning, I'm going to be really upset."


Sno was pacing back and forth in her room, deep in thought.

Ory was a decent opponent, but Sno believed she could defeat her in most physical challenges. Unless she turned back into the Killer Bunny, that is.

Sno wondered what the finale would consist of. They had time traveled to every possible update of Minecraft there was. So what would Herobrine do now?

Most of all, she thought about Ron. She couldn't wait to get back to him after this finale was over and spend the rest of her life with him, regardless of the outcome of the coming challenge.


Sno's Confessional

"I am so nervous about this finale. Before this season, I had never even made it to the merge before. But now I'm in the final two! I really hope the challenge isn't too hard."


"Challenge time, finalists!" Herobrine announced. He snapped his fingers, and the two remaining contestants appeared in front of him.

Ory and Sno warily glanced at each other before looking at Herobrine.

"Welcome to the final challenge of the Total Drama Minecraft series," Herobrine said. "This is the last one ever! So make it good!"

Sno and Ory gulped.

"Twenty-four of the best competitors were invited to compete for a million emeralds," Herobrine continued. "And you two are the last ones to have a chance at the mil. The best of the best. One contestant from seasons one and two, and one contestant from seasons three and four. One Heroic Hero, and one Villainous Villager. You two have faced so many impossible challenges throughout Minecraft history, and now it's time for the final one."

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