Episode 13

436 21 150

"Last time on The End of Total Drama Minecraft: All Stars, the contestants traveled to an End city to find the elytra on an End ship, all of which were added in 1.9. Both teams got very close to finishing first, but both teams also started fighting amongst themselves for who got to wear the elytra. In the end, Mike was gliding to the finish line when Mite came out of nowhere and attacked him for the elytra, causing the heroes to lose. All the Mucklets had died and therefore returned to Mucus, but the slime was voted out anyway by his teammates. What challenging challenge will we do today? Find out right now, on The End of Total Drama Minecraft: All Stars!" Herobrine said.

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Heroic Horses (5): Sno, Chloe, Mite, Pola, Kain

Villainous Villagers (7): Ron, Creep, Agatha, Porky, Mooshie, Ory, Ech

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The Killer Bunny was walking around Dragon Island. "If you find the idol, you are to give it to me immediately," it remembered Agatha saying.

The rabbit continued hopping, and came to a giant figure. It looked into the dragon's big purple eyes.

"Huh. It's been a while since the authors have written about someone being over here," the dragon mentioned.

"Hey, shut up!" a voice boomed from the sky.

As soon as the dragon looked up, the Killer Bunny ran toward it and attacked it. It began striking the dragon's foot. The ender dragon wasn't even affected.

"Stop." The dragon kicked the bunny away. But it came back, charging at full speed. The Killer Bunny began attacking the dragon's foot again.

The ender dragon sighed and kicked her away again. Then, he slammed his tail down on her.

"That'll teach that stupid bunny," the dragon muttered, and flew away.

The rabbit opened its eyes and looked around.

"Oh my, where am I?" Ory asked, confused. She saw endermen everywhere, screamed, and ran behind a pillar.

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Creep walked into the common room of the cabin. He heard what sounded like power tools coming from the girls' room. The creeper furrowed his brow and walked in.

"Is that a blowtorch?" Creep asked.

Agatha looked at him, wearing a welding helmet. There were parts of what looked like some sort of machine strewn all over the room. An elytra was in front of her. The Killer Bunny was at Dragon Island and therefore absent.

"What?" the witch asked. "I'm busy."

"Can I ask what you're doing?" Creep asked.

"No." Agatha went back to using the blowtorch.

Creep exited and shut the door. He sighed.


Creep's Confessional (VV)

"I'm beginning to worry about what she's doing."



"Hey Mite?" Pola asked. The girls were all in the girls room of their cabin.


"When you got the elytra yesterday, you said 'after all these years, it's finally mine.' What did you mean by that?"

The End of Total Drama Minecraft: All StarsWhere stories live. Discover now