Episode 15

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"Last time on The End of Total Drama Minecraft: All Stars, the mobs made it to the merge! They traveled back to 1.11 to find a woodland mansion using an explorers map and get to the room with the giant chicken statue. The last mob to arrive in the room would be eliminated. Agatha ended her alliance with Creep because he was helping Ory. Mite became very possessive of Pola during the challenge, but Pola tried to convince Mite to be nice again. Mite, however, ignored her and tried to get Sno eliminated. She almost succeeded, but Ron volunteered to be the last one in the room instead, and was therefore eliminated. Nine mobs remain. Who will be eliminated today? Find out right now, on The End of Total Drama Minecraft: All Stars!" Herobrine said.

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Remaining Contestants (9): Sno, Chloe, Mite, Pola, Kain, Creep, Agatha, Ory, Ech

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Since the teams were now merged, all nine contestants were in the old Heroic Horse cabin, since it looked prettier. The guys still took one room while the girls took the other. Herobrine left the old Villainous Villager cabin where it was.

On the guys side, Kain, Creep, and Ech say quietly.

"Ya wanna know the funniest thing to me?" Creep asked.

"Hmm?" Kain asked. He was reading a book titled Sci-Fly.

"In my two seasons, there were only, like, five girls total, so there were always way more guys than girls. But now there's twice as many girls as guys remaining," Creep said.

"You're right," Kain replied.

"They did say they were going to stick together till the end," Creep pointed out. "I wonder if they'll become allies again now that they're all in the same room."

Kain's eyes widened. "I hope not. If they do, we're screwed."

"Ya got that right."

Ech stayed silent.


Ech's Confessional

"Ron is gone now, so I once again don't have any friends. That's another one I can put on my list called "'Friends That Got Eliminated.'"


In the girls' room, Agatha and Ory had filled in the remaining two beds, so all six were now occupied.

Pola looked around at the others. "You girls remember the first day, when we decided we were all gonna band together?"

"Yes!" Ory piped up.

"Yeah, and the AGA failed after two challenges," Mite scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"Well, there's twice as many girls as there are guys now," Pola pointed out. "Girl power!"

Ory cheered. Chloe smiled and nodded at her. Agatha rolled her eyes. Sno was staring at the wall sadly.

"How about we band together again and take down the rest of the guys?" Ory suggested. "Then we can have a show with all girls!"

"Sounds like a great idea to me," Pola replied. "What do you girls think?"

"Uh, I don't—" Chloe began, but Agatha cut her off.

"That's a fantastic idea. I have a suggestion for who we eliminate first." The witch grinned evilly.


Agatha's Confessional

"Once we eliminate Creep, I can finally complete my Killer Bunny experiment. I've begun developing a potion that will force her to stay as the Killer Bunny...forever."

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