Episode 17

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"Last time on The End of Total Drama Minecraft: All Stars, the mobs went back to 1.13 to see who could stay on an iceberg the longest. They were attacked with rain, phantoms, and hallucinations, and seven of the eight gave up at some point. Kain was the only one not to quit, which is a nice contrast to when he lost for his team in the desert challenge of season three. Since Kain won, he got to choose who was eliminated, and he decided on Pola because she was in the finale last season. What dramatic challenge will I force upon the mobs today? Find out right now, on The End of Total Drama Minecraft: All Stars!" Herobrine said.

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Remaining Contestants (7): Sno, Chloe, Kain, Creep, Agatha, Ory, Ech

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Agatha sat alone in the abandoned villains cabin. The bright red potion sat in her brewing stand nearby, untouched. But the witch was busy working on something else.


Agatha's Confessional

"I'm not going to splash this potion on the rabbit until after I eliminate Creep, just to be on the safe side. It's possible that creeper would be able to coax Ory back out of the Killer Bunny, which is why I need him gone.


Meanwhile, in the girls' room of the contestants' cabin, Sno, Ory, and Chloe sat silently.

"Hey girls?" Sno spoke up. The two looked at her. "Have you noticed anything...strange about Herobrine?"

"Nope," Ory answered.

"Not really," Chloe added. "Why?"

"Seriously? You haven't noticed that he seems way more tired lately, and that it takes a lot of effort for him to do his magic?" Sno asked.

"Magic is probably hard to do," Ory pointed out.

"Not for a god!" Sno insisted. "At the beginning of this season, everything was easy for him. But recently, I can tell all this time traveling and other magic stuff is putting strain on him."

"Even if you're right, what do you want us to do about it?" Chloe asked. "We're just mortal mobs." Ory nodded in agreement.

Sno sighed. "I don't know."


Sno's Confessional

"Obviously I still miss Ron, but I know I'll see him again soon. Whatever is going on with Herobrine, though, I need to get to the bottom of. It could be dangerous for all of us."


Kain and Creep sat alone in the guys' room of the cabin.

"Can't believe there's only two of us guys left," Creep said.

"Yeah. Those girls are gonna take us down if we don't do something about it," Kain replied. "I eliminated Pola last challenge, but there's still four of them over there."

"We should probably target one of them together," Creep mused. "But not Ory. She's on my side."

"Not Chloe either," Kain added. "Which leaves Sno and Agatha."

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