Episode 8

407 21 92

"Last time on The End of Total Drama Minecraft: All Stars, the mobs traveled to 1.4 to play wither tag! The villains turned into withers and had to hunt down the heroes on a large farm. In the end, Sno was the only one left hiding, but Ron and Ech found her and reluctantly killed her to win the challenge for the villains again. Cocoa officially left the Second Place Alliance, so Mite scraped up enough votes to get the cow eliminated. Mooshie went to Dragon Island, and just before Cocoa was flushed, he exposed the SPA to the rest of the heroes. What daunting task will the mobs do today? Find out right now, on The End of Total Drama Minecraft: All Stars!" Herobrine said.

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Heroic Horses (8): Ender, Sno, Chloe, Mucus, Mite, Pola, Mag, Kain

Villainous Villagers (9): Ron, Jack, Creep, Agatha, Porky, Mooshie, Zombieswine, Ory, Ech

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Ron and Sno sat on the End tower again, legs dangling over the edge.

"We should tell Herobrine about these eyes that you keep seeing," Ron suggested. "Maybe he knows what they are."

Sno nodded. "You're right."

"Herobrine!" Ron called.

The host appeared, floating in the space in front of them. "What?" He sounded annoyed.

Ron nudged Sno. She cleared her throat. "Um...so I keep seeing these, um, glowing white eyes. It happened when we time traveled a couple times, and then happened again last challenge, when I was looking into the water trough. I saw glowing white eyes surrounded in black smoke instead of my own reflection. I was wondering if you knew anything about that?"

"Sounds like you're imagining things," Herobrine replied, looking at his nails with a bored expression.

"Really?" Ron asked. "What if this is, like, some sort of consequence of time traveling? What if you released some demon by doing that?"

Herobrine scoffed.

"Come on, it doesn't sound that impossible," Sno agreed with Ron. "Isn't time traveling hard to do? Couldn't you have messed up somehow, creating that...thing?"

"Me? Mess up?" Herobrine laughed, then disappeared.

"Hey! Come back!" Ron shouted. Herobrine didn't come back. The iron golem sighed.

"What do we do now?" Sno asked.

Ron hesitated. "I don't know. But we'll figure it out. Together." He squeezed her hand.

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"I cannot believe Cocoa exposed us!" Mite groaned. "We're gonna have to be really careful from now on."

"I dunno, I think it was pretty obvious we have an alliance," Pola pointed out. "I think everyone else just doesn't care."

"Still. We need to tread lightly."

"Okay," Pola and Ender replied, bored.

"Alright, so next time we lose—"

"We vote off Sno," Pola finished. "We know, Mite."

Mite frowned.

"We were gonna vote off Sno a couple challenges ago, but then we voted off Silvester instead. And then we got Moolissa instead, and then Cocoa instead. Are you sure we're gonna vote off Sno this time?" Ender asked.

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