Elimination Order & Fun Facts

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Ha, now you have to read this chapter if you want the fun facts too. Take that, people who always skip the elimination order.

Anyway, please do not read this chapter without reading all 22 episodes first.

The following is the order in which the contestants were eliminated:

Episode 1: Jamey the skeleton horse
Team: Villainous Villagers
Challenge: parkour/cabin building

Episode 2: Jesse the zombie horse
Team: Heroic Horses
Challenge: Minecraft alpha hide and seek

Episode 3: Zupay the zombie villager
Team: Villainous Villagers
Challenge: 1.0 Nether scavenging/enchanted duels

Episode 4: Silvester the silverfish
Team: Heroic Horses
Challenge: 1.1 sand castle mob egg hunt

Episode 5: Joe the villager
Team: Villainous Villagers
Challenge: 1.2 zombie siege in a village

Episode 6: Moolissa the mooshroom
Team: Heroic Horses
Challenge: 1.3 temple adventure

Episode 7: Cocoa the cow
Team: Heroic Horses
Challenge: 1.4 Wither tag

Episode 8: Jack the donkey
Team: Villainous Villagers
Challenge: 1.5 redstone contraption building

Episode 9: Zombieswine the zombie pigman
Team: Villainous Villagers
Challenge: 1.6 horse racing

Episode 10: Mag the magma cube
Team: Heroic Horses
Challenge: 1.7 biome escape

Episode 11: Ender the baby ender dragon
Team: Heroic Horses
Challenge: 1.8 ocean monument armor search

Episode 12: Mucus the slime
Team: Heroic Horses
Challenge: 1.9 End city elytra hunt

Episode 13: Porky the baby pig & Mooshie the baby mooshroom
Team: Villainous Villagers
Challenge: 1.10 digging for fossils

*teams merge*

Episode 14: Ron the iron golem
Former Team: Villainous Villagers
Challenge: 1.11 map and woodland mansion race

Episode 15: Mite the endermite
Former Team: Heroic Horses
Challenge: 1.12 rainbow illusioner battle

Episode 16: Pola the polar bear
Former Team: Heroic Horses
Challenge: 1.13 surviving on icebergs

Episode 17: Creep the creeper
Former Team: Villainous Villagers
Challenge: 1.14 defeating a pillager raid

*Herobrine dies*

Episode 18: Kain the wolf
Former Team: Heroic Horses
Challenge: defeating Wither and escaping the End

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