Episode 4

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"Last time on The End of Total Drama Minecraft: All Stars, we traveled to Minecraft 1.0, when Nether fortresses and enchanting were added. The mobs had to find weapons and armor in the Nether fortress, enchant them, and duel each other. In the end, the Heroic Horses won because Joe ran off the platform. The Villainous Villagers, however, decided to send home Zupay, who had the best gear but was defeated by Chloe in his duel. Mite went to Dragon Island, but not before establishing the Second Place Alliance with Ender, Cocoa, and Pola. Cocoa had some doubts about keeping secrets from Moolissa, who started to notice his secretive behavior. What horrible challenge will I put the contestants through this episode? Find out right now, on The End of Total Drama Minecraft: All Stars!" Herobrine said.

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Heroic Horses (11): Ender, Moolissa, Sno, Silvester, Chloe, Mucus, Cocoa, Mite, Pola, Mag, Kain

Villainous Villagers (10): Ron, Jack, Creep, Agatha, Porky, Mooshie, Zombieswine, Ory, Joe, Ech

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The villains were in the common room, talking amongst themselves.

"Thank you all for voting off Zupay," Agatha said. "I know Joe deserved to be eliminated, but I really needed my son to have one of his parents with him, ya know?"

"None of us have kids, so we can't relate," Jack pointed out.

"Yeah, shut up, ya old hag!" Zombieswine yelled.

Agatha glowered at him, but Zombieswine didn't notice, as he was laughing to himself. Jack did notice, and gulped.

"Dude, I think you just made an enemy," the donkey whispered.

"Who?" Zombieswine asked. "You? You've always been my enemy!"

"Not me, idiot. Agatha," Jack replied.

"Pfft, she couldn't do anything to me if she tried," the pigman scoffed.

"I dunno, man," Jack said. "Remember what Zupay said before he was flushed? He said Agatha is gonna kick all of our butts now that she doesn't have to worry about her son."

Zombieswine waved it off. "I'll be fine. Look, she's—where'd she go?"

Jack and Zombieswine looked around the room. Agatha was nowhere to be seen.


Agatha's Confessional (VV)

"Ya know, I've never really had a chance to play this game strategically. In season one, I was eliminated early for cheating. In season two, I was obsessed with my honeybuns the whole time. But this season, I'm here to win."


Porky and Mooshie had been sitting in two chairs next to each other. They began oinking and mooing normally at each other, and then escalated to oinking and mooing at a much louder volume, like they were yelling at each other.

"Hey, what's going on, you two?" Ory asked with concern.

"It sounds like they're arguing," Ron said.

"They are," Creep replied. "Mooshie is making fun of Porky for losing his duel last challenge, and Porky is saying it wasn't fair because he had bad enchants."

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