Episode 3

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"Last time on The End of Total Drama Minecraft: All Stars, we traveled back to the first ever version of Minecraft! The two teams had to build an arena full of hiding places and then hide from the seekers: Skelly and Spidey. At first it looked like the Heroic Horses would win, but then three heroes—Jesse included—got stuck in the hole dug by Jesse, and were tagged by Skelly at the last second. So, the Villainous Villagers won, and the heroes sent Jesse home. Joe volunteered to go to Dragon Island for the night. What dramatic drama will happen this episode? Find out right now, on The End of Total Drama Minecraft: All Stars!" Herobrine said.

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Heroic Horses (11): Ender, Moolissa, Sno, Silvester, Chloe, Mucus, Cocoa, Mite, Pola, Mag, Kain

Villainous Villagers (11): Ron, Jack, Creep, Agatha, Porky, Zupay, Mooshie, Zombieswine, Ory, Joe, Ech

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Joe was walking around the End. He hadn't found the idol yet, because he forgot that he was supposed to be searching. He was just walking around, having a good time.

The villager was so busy distracted by nothing, he hadn't even realized that he was starting to walk up a slope.

"Hey, why is everything getting lower?" Joe asked no one. He looked down and saw he was standing on something black. It didn't look like a Minecraft block, though. Joe shrugged and kept walking until he reached the very top of whatever he was on.

Joe looked down again and realized he was standing on the head of the sleeping Ender Dragon.

The villager screamed, waking up the dragon. He raised his head, causing Joe to fly off of him and fall on the endstone.

Dragon was about to end the man's whole career by blasting him with purple fire, but remembered what his son told him. He grumbled to himself and went back to sleep.

Joe didn't get back up.

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The next day...


"I think the AGA is going well," Mite said to the girls. "We eliminated our first target. Now we have to decide who we want to target next."

None of the girls responded. One of them grunted and turned over in her bed.

Mite sighed and slithered out of the room. Pola watched her go, and followed her a few seconds later.

The polar bear entered the common room to find Mite sitting on one of the chairs, staring at the wall. She seemed to be thinking hard.

"Hey," Pola said. "You okay?"

Mite nodded without looking at her, but didn't say anything.

"You don't look okay."

The endermite sighed. "I'm trying my best to have an alliance that cares, but none of the girls seem to."

"I do," Pola said.

"Thanks, but an alliance with two people isn't really helpful."

Suddenly, the boys' door slammed open, and Ender flew out. He looked at the two girls.

"Oh hey. What's going on?" the dragon asked.

"Nothing," Pola said immediately. Mite studied Ender curiously.

"Okay. Mucus and Kain are talking about their ex's in there, and I can't handle all that. So imma sit out here," Ender explained.

"Alright," Pola said guardedly.

The End of Total Drama Minecraft: All StarsWhere stories live. Discover now