Episode 19

528 24 153

Remaining Contestants (5): Sno, Chloe, Agatha, Ory, Ech

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On a tropical island in the Overworld, there was a large resort with an enormous mansion, several pools, and lots of amenities that any resident would enjoy.

Inside the mansion, an iron golem sat in front of a large flat screen television. He looked confused, flipping through the channels on the remote and frequently consulting a magazine in front of him.

Suddenly, a villager slipped into the room. "Good morning, Iron Man!" he sang.

"Morning, Joe," the golem chuckled.

"Whatcha doing?" Joe asked, plopping down on one of the comfy couches nearby.

"Nothing really. I'm just concerned because episode seventeen hasn't aired yet. It's usually up around ten o'clock the same night of the challenge. But it didn't air last night."

"Maybe Herobrine decided to take a break!" Joe suggested.

The iron golem frowned. "It can't be. We know Creep was eliminated in the episode because he's here..." He paused, thinking. "Maybe Creep knows why it hasn't aired." Ron stood up and walked out of the mansion.

Immediately outside was a hot tub. Mucus and Mag sat in it. They were closer to each other than friends would normally be, but not as close as a couple would be.

"Hey Ron," Mucus called. "The episode air yet?"

Ron shook his head. "No. I'm going to ask Creep if he knows why. Do you know where he is?"

"I think I saw him over by the outdoor bar," Mag told him.

"Thanks." Ron walked down the steps and toward the bar.

He passed by one of the large pools. Zupay was standing in it, holding a smaller zombie villager that was gleefully playing in the water. The toddler pointed at Ron and screamed.

"Easy, Zippy," Zupay said. "He's not gonna hurt us."

Ron smiled at the kid and kept walking. Porky and Mooshie were also in the pool, splashing around and playing with each other. He passed some pool chairs, where Jamey was sunbathing. Ron wasn't sure why, since she was a skeleton horse. But he didn't ask. He kept walking and passed Jesse, who was also sunbathing on a pool chair far away from Jamey.

As he proceeded through the resort, a volleyball hit him in the back of the head. Ron turned around, rubbing the spot that it hit.

"Yo, sorry dude! Swine sucks at this game!" Jack called from the volleyball court.

"Do not!" the pigman shouted at the donkey. "You just suck at serving!"

Ron threw the ball back to Zombieswine and kept walking. He passed Ender, who was swimming laps in one of the other pools, and Pola, who was quietly sitting in the pool, her eyes closed.

The bar came into view. Creep was indeed sitting at it. As Ron started to walk over there, his path was blocked by a cow and a mooshroom.

"Hey Ron, how long did you and Sno date before getting married?" Cocoa asked.

That question hit Ron completely out of the blue. He wasn't expecting it at all, and almost actually fell over from surprise.

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