Chapter Forty Here's To Joy

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Photograph- Ed Sheeran

     When I started showing, I began wearing hoodies. No one could know I was pregnant especially since it was Felix's child. So many people would try to kill me or it. My child would be dangerous because this child is of Felix and I. We're the most powerful people in the world so if you hurt him or her, we'd kill you. Well, at least I would. Felix doesn't know about it. I just couldn't tell him about the baby. I'm scared. We're having problems right now anyway. We got into a fight and it's been weeks since we've talked.

     I've tried talking to him, yes, but when I get the chance I can never just get the words out there. I'm pregnant. I am pregnant. 'I am pregnant with your baby'. It just doesn't work. Who knows what he'd do. I doubt he'd even be happy about it. A baby is a big responsibility and with both of us being killers and mafia leaders, I doubt we'd be able to do the job. Well, not good at least. I take a deep breath and keep packing my bags. It was time I needed to leave for our safety.

     For everyone's safety. I needed to leave because I'm eight months in and my stomach is huge. Hoodies were making it hard to keep hidden now. "Are you ready to go?" Braxton asks peeking his head in the room.

     "I don't think I'll ever be ready for this." I say looking at him. "It's too soon Braxton." I shake my head and sit on the bed. "It's too soon for any of this. I shouldn't be going through this yet. It's not my time. I'm not ready Braxton I'm just not ready."

     "Hey." He says calmly walking into the room and sitting on the bed next to me. He places his hand on my shoulder and gives it an encouraging squeeze.

     "You may not be ready yet but you will be." He says. "Your baby- this baby, it's going to be special. It's going to bring you joy on the worst days of your life and you are going to love it with all your heart."

     "No." I shake my head. "I can't keep it, Braxton. I told you this. Once I have it, I'm getting rid of it. I can't keep it especially when what I do can get it killed. It could make it a target for my enemies. I can't keep it, even if I wanted to."

     "So you're just gonna leave it? Like your mother left you?" He asks and I hesitate but give him a look. "You do that and you will be just like her. You'll be running from it instead of embracing it. Trust me Blake, once you embrace it, it will be the best thing in your life. Once you hold it in your arms, you will love it and I bet you you'll keep it."

     "You sound like someone who knows." I look at him suspiciously.

     "I do. Once upon a time I was with a girl and I got her pregnant. I was like you and I didn't want the baby at first but as soon as I held him in my arms, I couldn't put him down. He was beautiful." I knew something was coming because I've never seen a little boy around here all the time I've been with Braxton so I keep looking at him.

     "What happened to him?"

     "Hit and run." Braxton says looking away. "Killed my baby boy and my girl. The driver ran into them and then just left them there to die. Didn't call the police or anything. There were on backroads in the middle of no where so it was days before anyone found them. I'd thought she left me to have a better life, so I didn't call, I didn't even try to find her. I just kept on doing as I was doing before I had a kid. Before I had her."

     "You never told me about this."

     "I didn't see a reason to." He shrugs.

     "Did you find who did it? Did you find who killed them?" Braxton nods and let's his eyes meet mine.

     "The accident was all over the news and a few days later the man who did it turned himself in. He was drunk the night it happened and when he drove off, he was scared. He didn't know what to do. It was a teenager who was going home from a party." Braxton shrugs and stands from the bed.

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