Chapter Forty- Two Need Your Help

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Last Hurrah- Bebe Rexha

     Felix was wrong. No one was going to save us. If anything was going to happen it had to be because of us or because of me. We couldn't rely on anyone. Everything that was going to happen was going to happen because of Felix and I. Whether it's good or bad what ever happens is on us. What ever happens here is on me and me alone. This is all my fault and I know that. I didn't need anyone telling me and I didn't need Felix lying to me. No one was coming to save us. We had to.

(Leon's POV)

     We didn't know where they were. We didn't even have the slightest clue. Benny and I have looked everywhere not giving anytime for us to sleep. We just wanted to find Felix and Blake. When we walked into the room that we locked and bolted shut, they were gone and the secret entrance was open. We looked everywhere inside the walls as well as up and down the stairs but they were no where to be found. At the staircase below Benny had found a broken phone and we don't know if it's from them or if someone else had been here.

How could someone get in here and Nike of us know a thing about it? Well, maybe because we've been only searching as the Russian mafia. Maybe we need the Italian mafias help in order to do this. If we want to find Felix and Blake, we need their help and there is no question about it. As I pace back and forth in the room I look to Benny and he nods. He knew what we needed to do also. "We need their help." He says.

"Our people won't like it. They won't like it at all." I say.

"Well if it's the only way to find Blake and Felix alive, they won't have to like it, they'll just have to deal with it. But what are we going to do? What if they don't want to help us?"

"We can't bring the whole mafia to their building. They'd think we were attacking." I shake my head and look out the window. I knew what I needed to do. "And if they want to do this alone we can't force them to work with us but I'm betting they are just as worried about them as we are."

"Well, most of us." Benny says and I narrow my eyes looking at him.

"Some of our people are saying Felix missing is a sign that we need a new leader. One that won't take pleasure in the sight of the Italian mafia like Felix did. They say they want someone who will be willing to wipe them out without remorse. If Felix doesn't get back here soon to lead them and keep them under control, they will put who they choose in charge and everything Felix has worked for will go to Hell."

"The we better do this and we better do this fast. You need to keep things under control while I'm gone. I'm going to talk to them. Blake's right hand man Aiden he seems like a reasonable man. And if Blake trusts him I should try to."

"You're going to them alone? You'll need back up."

"They'll see back up as a sign of un trust and war. I need to go alone. Hopefully they'll hear me out." I grab my jacket skidding it on over my arms and heading for the door.

"What if they don't want to hear you out, Leon?"

"I'll cross that bridge when I get to it." I mutter as I open the door.

"I'm not gay you know." He says making me stop in the doorway. I look back at him. "I was bet fifty bucks that I wouldn't kiss you and I take bets and money seriously, so I did. I'm not gay, it was just a bet. I wanted you to know before you go and get yourself killed." I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, thanks for telling me. Just don't do it again." He nods and I walk out closing the door behind me. The kind of bets they make in this place. I shake my head in disappointment. Felix needs to fix this place before it's too late. Before they're too far gone to fix. Maybe the Italian people can help us with that. They seem like they've got every thing under control. Or maybe it's because of Blake. With out Blake, what if they're just as lost as us, even with Felix. Maybe Blake is the key to everything, including us.

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