Chapter 4: Magic Bullet

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2:00 AM

That was the current time in Beacon Hills...two o'clock in the morning. You would think that Sabrina was all curled up in her bed, dreaming of a certain sarcastic boy...unfortunately you're wrong.

Sabrina was currently walking around in an abandoned place with Derek. The two were searching for the Alpha. Derek bent down and touched some bloody that was on the ground. "That's the Alpha's blood, right?" Sabrina asked as Derek stood back up, "Yes, it is. The Alpha is here." "Remind me again why I am out here after curfew with you?" "I know you want to find the Alpha as much as I do."

"True. But I mean, what if there are hunters out here? I got shot by three arrows the other night walking home. Besides it's two o'clock in the morning and I want to be in bed." "We need to find the Alpha." "Okay, but if I get hurt, I'm blaming you." Sabrina said as she pointed at Derek. "If I get hurt, then I'll blame you." Derek smirked as Sabrina rolled her eyes.

 A loud growl sounded through the air as Derek and Sabrina's senses were now on high alert. They looked up at a roof and spotted the Alpha, staring at the two with its red eyes. 

"Let's go." Derek ordered as Sabrina nodded at him. The two both ran and jumped onto some boxes in order to get to the roof. They climbed up as the Alpha started sprinting away. Derek and Sabrina chased after the Alpha, not letting it out of their sights.

Derek and Sabrina both jumped across the roof when suddenly, they were both struck with pain as the two fell to the ground, clutching their arms. The two groaned as they struggled to sit up against a wall. Sabrina glanced down at her arm. Her arm now sported a bullet hole. Sabrina hissed as her arm started smoking and glanced over at Derek whose arm's was doing the same.

"I blame you." Sabrina spoke.

"Shut up. We have to get help." Derek said.

"No shit Sherlock."


Stiles drummed his fingers on his desk as he waited for the teacher to pass out their graded tests. Stiles glanced over to the empty seat that was next to him. The empty seat belonged to Sabrina. She never skipped a class...ever.

Stiles tapped Scott's shoulder who was in front of him. Scott turned around as Stiles whispered, "Where's Sabrina?" "I don't know. She wasn't home when I woke up this morning. I thought she left early. Why is she not here?" Scott asked as Stiles scoffed.

"Scott. Look at the seat next to you."

Scott turned his head and his eyes widened. He turned back to Stiles, "She's not here. She never misses a class." "I know. I hope she's okay." "I'm sure she is." Scott said as he faced the front again.

Getting Sabrina off his mind, Stiles had some questions he wanted to ask Scott, "Hey. If Derek isn't the Alpha, if he's not the one who bit you, then who did?" "I don't know." Scott admitted. "Did the Alpha kill the bus driver?" "I don't know." Scott repeated as Stiles sighed.

"Does Allison know about the..." "I don't know!" Scott yelled. Everyone glanced over at Scott at his sudden outburst and went back to their work. "Jeez." Stiles muttered to himself. The teacher handed Stiles his test back and silently cheered to himself, noticing that his test had a big fat 'A' on it.

Stiles looked at Scott's test and grimaced when he saw that Scott had received a 'D-' on his. "Dude, you need to study more," Scott glared at Stiles, "That was a joke. Scott, it's one test. You're gonna make it up. Do you want help studying?"

"No. I'm studying with Allison after school today." "That's my boy." "We're just studying." "Uh-uh. No, you're not." "I'm not?" "Not if I'm forced to live vicariously through you. If you go to her house today and squander that colossal opportunity, I swear to God I'll have you de-balled."

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