Chapter 5: The Tell

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Sabrina and Danny sat at a lab table together as they talked quietly while they worked on a worksheet that Mr. Harris had passed out in Chemistry class.

Stiles was sitting behind Sabrina, highlighting a bunch of information in his textbook.

"Just a friendly reminder, parent/teacher conferences are tonight. Students below a 'C' average are required to attend. I won't name you, because the shame and self-disgust should be more than enough punishment." Mr. Harris spoke as he walked up the aisle. He stopped and stood by Stiles, Sabrina and Danny and looked at the vacant seat.

"Has anyone seen Scott McCall?"

Sabrina shook her head while Stiles looked up with the highlighter's cap in his mouth.

The door to the classroom opened and everyone turned towards the door. Jackson walked in and took his seat. He looked a little paler and shaken than usual. Mr. Harris went over to him and supportively put a hand on his shoulder, "Hey, Jackson. If you need to leave early for any reason, you let me know." Jackson nodded his head.

Stiles rolled his eyes behind Mr. Harris' back. Sabrina didn't think Jackson would show up to school today...Lydia hadn't.

"Everyone, start reading chapter nine. Mr. Stilinski. Try putting the highlighter down between paragraphs. It's chemistry, not a coloring book." Sabrina glanced over at Stiles. He spat the cap up and caught it effortlessly.

"Hey, Danny. Can I ask you a question?" Stiles asked.

"No." Danny said simply. Stiles shrugged, "Well, I'm going to anyway. Um, did Lydia show up in your homeroom today?" Danny huffed, "No." "Lydia stayed home today." Sabrina whispered to Stiles as he nodded.

"Can I ask you another question?"

"The answer is still no." Danny said, losing his patience. "Does anyone actually know what happened to her and Jackson last night?" "He wouldn't tell me."

Stiles narrowed his eyes, "But he's your best friend." Danny actually seemed a little upset and Sabrina felt sorry for him.

"One more question." "What?!" Danny said aggravated with Stiles asking questions.

"Do you find me attractive?"

That seemed to do it. Stiles then realized, too late, that he was leaning too far and nearly fell from his chair but recovered quickly enough though it did make a good bit of sound drawing eyes to him. Sabrina placed her hand over her mouth to stifle a giggle.


"Why am I in here, Derek? You know I can get in trouble right?" Sabrina asked as she and Derek walked into the Boys' Locker Room.

"You're Coach's favorite student. You wont get in trouble." "There's Jackson."

Jackson huffed when he turned around and nearly ran into Derek Hale and Sabrina McCall.

Jackson backed away into the lockers, "I don't know where Scott is." "I don't know where Scott is either but that's not why we're here." Sabrina said. "Huh?"

"We're not here for Scott. We're here for you." Derek said. "What? Why, why me? I didn't do anything." "No, but you saw something, didn't you?" Sabrina asked. "No," Jackson said shaking his head furiously, "I didn't see anything."

"What was it?" Derek asked coming closer to Jackson, "An animal? A mountain lion?" "I didn't see anything," Jackson nervously insisted, "I swear, I'm not lying."

Derek was now practically in his face, "Then calm down and say it again." "Say what, that I'm not lying?"

Derek and Sabrina listened to his heart. Derek then reached for him, "One more thing," he said pulling at his neck. The scratches from when he clawed Jackson when he was poisoned were there and kind of inflamed, "You should really get that checked out."

A Werewolf and a Human [1] Stiles StilinskiDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora