Chapter 6: Heart Monitor

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"Whoa! You seriously need to stop doing that!"

Sabrina stopped in the middle of her chemistry problem and had a small smile on her face as she shook her head. She stood up and made her way to Scott's room.

"Hey, Derek," Sabrina said as she leaned against the doorframe of Scott's bedroom. "It's actually nice to see you in Scott's room for a change." "It's okay. Your room is better."

"What does he mean by that?" Scott asked.

"Oh, this," Sabrina gestured at Derek and Scott's room. "This is totally normal. Derek always waltz in someone's room, uninvited."

"So, what happened? It talk to you?" Derek asked calmly.

"Yeah, we had a nice conversation about the weather," Scott spat sarcastically. "No, he didn't talk!"

"Well did you get anything off of him? An impression?" Sabrina asked. "What do you mean?" Scott asked as Sabrina shook her head, knowing that Scott still had a lot to learn about werewolves.

Derek stood up, :Remember that your other senses are heightened. Communication doesn't have to be spoken. What kind of feeling did you pick up from him?"

Scott took a minute and thought back. "Anger," he found himself saying.

"Focused on you?"

Scott shook his head. "No, not on me. But it was anger, I could feel it. Especially when he drew the spiral."

Sabrina's stood up straighter at the mention of a spiral. "What?" Derek said actually looking stunned. "It was a spiral. He drew it in the condensation of my car. What?" he asked looking hard at Derek. "You have this look like you know what it means."

"No, it's nothing," Derek said before he started to leave.

But Scott halted him. "Wait a second. You can't do that. You can't ask me to trust you and then start keeping things from me."

But Derek just shook his head. "It doesn't mean anything," he insisted. "You buried your sister under a spiral," Scott said remembering when he and Stiles dug up her body. "What does it mean?"

Derek was silent for a moment before he moved past Sabrina who sent a sympathy look at him. Derek nodded at her before glancing back at Scott. "You don't want to know."

Derek then left leaving Scott to think about how Derek's heart was steady when he said he didn't want to know.

Sabrina turned around as she was about to leave.


She stopped. "Can you tell me about the spiral?"

"I'm sorry...I can't."

Sabrina went back to her room, leaving Scott to fall back on his bed, slightly frustrated that he wasn't getting the answers he wanted.


Sabrina found her way to her first class where Stiles was already sitting in his chair looking over some of his notes. Stiles looked up at her when she entered and smiled.

Sabrina smiled back as she leaned down and placed a kiss on his cheek before sitting down in a seat next to him.

"Are you still mad at my twin?"


"You know he's really sorry about your dad, right?" "I'm sure he is." Stiles said under his breath. Sabrina sighed, it pained her not seeing Stiles and Scott talk. The two had been best friends their whole lives.

A Werewolf and a Human [1] Stiles StilinskiDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora