Last Time That I Checc'd

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January 2019

A loud yell cuts across the Proactive Sports Gym causing Christian to lose focus and stumble out of his lunging position. He glances across the gym where two other athletes are preforming box jumps and sprints. One athlete is a female and the other is a male. The two are clearly giving it their all attempting not to lose. Christian shakes his head and lets out a laugh as his buddy, Baker Mayfield, gets passed by the female athlete who lets out another yell signifying her dominance over Baker.

"CY!" His trainer Deondrick barks and Christian centers himself back on the workout he's doing.

Christian had been coming to Proactive Sports since he was in high school and had continued to show his love and support for his hometown gym by showing up for a few weeks in the offseason to get right. It is also nice to spend some time in LA and catch up with old friends. Milwaukee is great don't get that twisted, but sometimes a dude needs a little sunshine instead of snow. Christian pumps out his movements to strength his legs quickly and hops on an assault bike to get his heart rate up.

While pedaling another yell comes from the other side. This one is an obscenity from Baker. Christian glances over curiously. The girl and Baker are in plank position. Baker's face cringes in pain and the girl smiles. Her intensity can literally be felt from his position and honestly, it's a little much for Christian. He watches her pop up out of her plank commands her trainer to "turn this the f**k up" and start dancing to Cardi B's Moneybag as if her previous 45 minutes of intense workouts hadn't phased her at all. Christian's eyes widen in amazement as she starts to shake her hips like it wasn't 6 am in the morning.

Deondrick gives him the nod to cool down and Christian begins to pedal slower.

"Who is that?" Christian asks with a chin jerk towards the female as nonchalantly as possible.

Deondrick smiles and raises his eyebrows and let's out a little laugh as if to say, 'buddy you're in for a ride asking that questions,' but shrugs, "That's Kat Bledsoe she's the number one collegiate volleyball player in the world right now."

Christian nods his head approving the title, "What's her deal?"

"Surprised you don't already know her she's been coming her before you have, but she was pretty big time in high school and took her full ride to University of Oklahoma after she took a gap year to play in the 2016 Olympics. She's been at OU for two years and is the first collegiate female athlete that's ever been paid. Pretty big deal in that world and in the athletic world." D tells Christian.

An article in Sport Illustrated comes flashing back to Christian like a train. He remembers reading about this scandal that OU wouldn't give her playing time because she was making too much money due to her massive Nike contract that even included her being the only person that was actually signed to represent Off-White brand. It was a huge deal because she protested by sitting on the court until the coach finally subbed her out. The coach not playing her didn't work because she was the best player on the team, and they were about to lose a national title without her playing so she ended up getting to play again.

"She won some big award, too right?" Christian asks trying to remember the rest.

D nods while watching Kat and Baker challenge each other in a pull-up competition, "Yeah she was Freshman of the Year in 2017, Big XI Volleyball Player of the Year in 2018, NCAA Volleyball Player of the Year in 2017 and 2018, NCAA National Female Athlete in 2017 and 2018. On top of all her first team, players of the week, and a shit load of other records she broke. Not to mentions she's been the runner up for NCAA Athlete of the Year getting beat out by her two best friends Baker Mayfield and Trae Young."

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