All the Sex on Replay

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"Alright Kat we'll go ahead run your blood work and be back in a little," the doctor who has been taking care of Kat for years tells her and exits the room.

Kat waits by watching TikToks even though she isn't supposed to be on her phone.

The doctors comes back in awhile later, "Okay so everything looks great I really don't think you've been this healthy and we should definitely thank the nutritionists and trainers at University of Wisconsin they have being taking great care of you," the doctors says and Kat smiles thinking about how happy she has been at UW and how much she loves her staff and coaches.

"How do my bones and stuff look?" Kat asks wanting to make sure that she isn't in danger of getting hurt.

"So good Kat, everything is strong and the joints have no traces of wear and tear which amazing considering the level you've been playing at," the doctor reports.

Kat stands and smiles, "great if there isn't anything else I have to head to Malibu my boyfriend is finding out if he wins tonight."

"Uhh, do you want to schedule your ultrasound for today then?" The doctor questions.

"My ultrasound for what?" Kat asks.

The doctor looks up quickly realizing Kat has no clue, "Kat, you're bloodwork says you're pregnant did you not know?"

Kat goes still and a loud buzzing sounds in her ears as the room starts to spin. She sits back down before the falls over out of shock. Kat starts to breath rapidly and the doctors is telling her to calm down and tries to pull her out of the panic attack that is waving through her, but Kat can't focus.


She can't be pregnant. She can't get pregnant. That's what they told her last year. How could this happen.

"Kat, I need you to focus on breathing," the doctor says and Kat blinks as the room stops spinning around her.

Kat takes a deep breath, "you said I was infertile," Kat manages to speak. "You said I wasn't able to get pregnant."

The doctor places a hand on her shoulder, "you were infertile, but sometimes when you get really healthy and start having sex again regularly the body heals itself. Its rare, but we've seen it before in a lot of our high level female athletes who stop trying and then get blessed."

"I can't be pregnant..." Kat says.

"I know it may seem hard to believe, but we're here to help you through this whatever you chose to do, but I think the best option for you is to get an ultrasound to see how far along you are," The doctor instructs and Kat nods.

Kat is silent and shocked as she goes through the motions of getting an ultrasound. She doesn't even flinch when the cold gel coats her stomach.

"Okay, Kat you are seven weeks pregnant that would put you due around June 17," the nurse announces.

Kat sucks in air, "Is it healthy?"

"Oh yes this is a very healthy fetus you're doing amazing."

Kat stays silent for a moment, "What are the chances this could happen?" Kat questions the doctor who has stayed with her through the entire process.

"There was about a 0.001% chance you could get pregnant after REDs took its toll on your reproductive system and it is even hard for active athletes to conceive because a lot of the time your reproductive systems shut down from high activity levels..."

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